Monday, October 29, 2012

Homemade Gumdrops

I can't believe it's another week gone by. Where is the time going all of the sudden?

I think someone has pushed the fast forward button on my life when I just want to hit the pause, just for a few minutes.

It was a crazy week, what with Online Blogcon, then the kids had me running every which way. Weekends are normally family time, relaxed, sometimes we don't even leave the house. Not this weekend.

Hubby decided we needed to have a date night Friday night. Don't get me wrong, I love date night. Just the two of us, out for dinner, or a movie, or shopping, nothing over the top, but it's just us. Hubby wanted to go to Joe's Stone Crab. No idea why that got in his head but oh yeah baby, I'm all about eating some crab. Joe's Stone Crab is 89 miles from our house, no biggie, we'll leave about 5 pm get there around 6:30 pm. perfect time for dinner.

Here's how my weekend went. Get up early on Friday. I have to bake 15 dozen cookies (3 different recipes,) 36 muffins, my Coffeehouse Coffee Cake Muffins, all for a big bake sale Grace is doing Saturday morning. Oven is preheating at 8 am. Butter's softening in the mixing bowl. As I'm making that first double batch of cookies I realize I'm going to run out of sugar before the day is done. Mom to the rescue, she's happy to run to the store for me. Chocolate Chip-Pecan Cookies all baked and cooling on racks on the table. Lemon Sugar Cookies dough made, first batch baking in the oven. Go to make Dark Chocolate Tiger Cookies, CRAP! This dough needs to refrigerate for a minimum of 6 hours. I don't have 6 hours, we're leaving to go to dinner at 5 pm. Make dough, throw it in the freezer. Continue baking the Lemon cookies. Get ready to make the muffins. CRAP! I'm out of sour cream! Finish baking lemon cookies, change my shirt (no I haven't had a shower yet,) hop in the truck and run to the store for sour cream. Back home in 15 minutes flat. No I didn't break any speed records, the store is only 5 minutes away. Make up muffins, bake, bake, bake.

All the while washing dishes as I go. I can't stand dirty dishes in the sink. On the last tray of muffins, I hop in the shower, timer on the bathroom counter so I make sure they don't burn.

Back out to kitchen, towel on my head. Grab the chocolate dough out of the freezer, still a bit soft in the middle but I can work with it. It's now 2 pm. After each tray is placed in the oven, I'm putting the dough back in the freezer. Cassie walks in the door at 3:07, I bribe her (with money) to package up and add ribbon for all the cookies, while I try and get pictures done for these gumdrops (which I made the day before) and also take new photos of all the above cookies and muffins. Last tray of cookies out of the oven at 4:10 pm.

Decide I'd better try and get a jump on the laundry (very smart idea considering how my weekend went) Load one in washer. Hubby and I leave the driveway for dinner at 5:30 pm (not my fault, honest!) Traffic to Atlanta is HORRIBLE! We honestly thought traffic going into Atlanta wouldn't be too bad, silly us. By 7 pm, we're both talking about just pulling into the nearest McDonald's and grabbing some fries. You never saw me say I had lunch, did you? All I'd had to eat (besides the few samples of cookies dough) were 1 cookie and a few pieces of cheese. I was STARVING! Joe's was worth it though. Back home at 11 pm.

That was just Friday. Saturday, we spent all day doing a bake sale at an Antique Car Auction. Leave the house at 9 am and don't return until 4:30 pm. Let me tell you, the first few hours of the car auction were really cool, I'd never been to an auction before, those auctioneers can talk FAST! And some of the cars...I really need to win the lottery, there was one Thunderbird that was just calling to me. It was Grace and her BFF, doing the bake sale to raise money for their DC trip in February. The girls were great but they're in the 5th grade. After 4 hours, they're getting tired of behaving and looking cute. Now they're antsy and looking bored. It was worth it, they did really well and they've been invited back to the next auction.

Get home, hubby knows if he wants to eat something other than PB &J he'd better handle it. Out to the local pizza place for dinner we go. Try to catch up on a few things on the computer, FB, Blog and just talking with the hubby while watching tv together. Bed by 11 pm. Oh, I did some more laundry too.

Sunday morning. We have to go back to Atlanta, this time the north side, for the Blogcon meet up. I'll tell you more about that on Saturday. If we're going to Atlanta, I want to go to IKEA. I've never been and I've heard so much about it. Hubby's accommodating. Yes, he's a good man and drove me. I can't stand big city driving. Remember, we have 4 traffic lights in our town and that's it. Leave the driveway at 9:30 am, surprise,  NO TRAFFIC! We get there with an hour before the meet up. Not much is open so we just walk into Marshalls. Marshalls, if you read this, make our store in Warner Robins as nice as the one in Alpharetta, Georgia. I found a new cake stand and the cutest little red colander. Sever other treasures but I held myself in check, I still have IKEA in my future.

Wonderful lunch with 3 lovely ladies, time for IKEA. Having never been there, I had no idea how HUGE that store really is. I knew it was a warehouse but it's a warehouse the size of a football stadium! We walk in the store at 3 pm and believe it or not, we're out by 4:30 pm. Power shopping! Honestly, I was so overwhelmed, I didn't do the store justice. The prices were fantastic, I did get a few nick-knacks and the coolest bar to hold my coffee cups under the kitchen cabinets. I'll be going back there, next time, it will be the only reason we go to Atlanta. IKEA, I heart you.

Call kids on the way back home. Grace was still at a friends house till after dinner, CJ and Cassie are fine, CJ has church group at 6 pm so it'll just be 3 of us for dinner.  Hubby decides on more take out instead of the leftovers in the fridge. I'm ok with that. Sometimes weekends like this happen. I still have to finish up laundry, pick CJ up at 8 pm, get Grace back home, write up this post. Oh....and finish up the laundry.

WOW! Just reading back over this post is making me worn out again. Glad our weekends aren't always so packed. Do other families run crazy like this?

The kids loved these gumdrops. They're softer than a gumdrop you'd buy in the store, the flavor is whatever flavor Jello you choose. Loved the Cherry, Lemon and Lime, the BerryBlue was ok. Cassie suggested next time making some sour ones, so be on the look out for Sour Gumdrops in the future.

Homemade Gumdrops
Adapted from Taste of Home

1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup apple juice
1 package Jello Gelatin, 4 serving size-color of your choice
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
extra sugar for rolling

Coat a Loaf pan with cooking spray. You can also use an 8x8 pan, gumdrops will be thinner.  Place pan in refrigerator until ready to use.

Combine all ingredients in a medium sauce pan, let sit for 1 minute. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly  Once you reach a steady boil, continue to boil for 1 full minute. Pour into chilled pan and return to refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Once gelatin is set, run knife around edges to loosen. Using a spatula, remove gumdrop slab to wax paper and cut into desired shapes using a sharp knife. If knife starts to get sticky, run under hot water. Transfer cut gumdrops to a tray lined with fresh wax paper to dry at room temperature for at least 10 hours, preferably overnight. I placed my tray in the cold oven to dry. Roll gumdrops in granulated sugar and store in airtight container.

Need a vegetarian version? Tickling Palates has you covered! And she made them Chocolate!
Looking for other ways to play with Jello? How about some Jello Popcorn, Jello Sugar Cookies or Jello Swirled Cupcakes?

I'm sharing at some of these great parties.


  1. They look delicious! My kids would love these! Jen

  2. Thanks for the shout Joan. I have been meaning to make some with gelatin but kep postponing it. You have given me a purpose now with these colorful ones.

    1. You inspired me, these have been on my list forever!

  3. It was great to meet you this weekend! My kids would love these as well!

    1. Loved meeting you, can't wait to do it again!

  4. These look so pretty Joan!! And the perfect end to a hectic weekend, methinks :)

  5. These look like a lot of fun! Love how colorful they are. Hope you get some down time soon.

  6. My grandma would make gumdrops every Christmas for my brother and I. I might just have to make them this year and keep the tradition going :)

    1. What a wonderful memory, yes, you need to start making them to carry on the tradition!

  7. Wow! That is a weekend! I'm tired just reading all about it. I am so glad you got to go to IKEA...I heart that place so much!!! although I can't believe you were only there for an hour and a half??? We can never go and be out in that short amount of time!!! Probably good I don't live that close to one:-) Homemade gum drops sound kids would love them!!!

  8. Holy Cow! You're one busy lady. Did you remember to sleep?? My nephew LOOOVES gum drops. I'll make these for him. I'm sure I'll continue to be his favorite Aunt. (I'm the only Aunt he has, so I guess that helps. :P )

    1. hehe, I take favorite any time I can get it! I did get some sleep just no relaxing until the kids were back in school on Monday.

  9. I just love making my own grumdrops! yours are gorgeous. I got the ingredients for mine and will make them either this weekend or next - they go in something very special! you are just the greatest photographer - those looks fantastic! My mom loves the orange ones I made because they taste like those old fashioned Orange Slices she used to eat as a girl.

    1. I'll have to try orange then! I used to love those orange slices but never the green ones, they always made those taste like mint. Can't wait to see what you've got going on!

  10. I think your weekend was busier than mine. That is a serious amount of baking!!

    This is the second gum drop post I have seen lately. I really need to make these!!

  11. These look fantastic. I'm exhausted just reading about your weekend! Yikes. Hope your week is much better (and calmer!) =o)

  12. I am looking forward to shopping at Ikea on one of my next trips to Minneapolis. My trips are always so rushed, I want to know that I have a little bit of time to shop when I am there!

  13. I just made these! They are in the drying phase right now. What fun they were to make! I have made red (cherry) and green (lime) ones- I have been testing candies lately to go in holiday baskets. Can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing such a great idea :)

  14. This looks awesome. I would love for you to add it to my Mom's Library Link-Up.

    Thanks and be blessed,

  15. Looks fun! I might have to try this with the kids.

  16. I'm exhausted just from reading about your weekend!
    and I thought we were busy:0

    my daughter is going to LOVE me when I make these gumdrops
    I had no idea

  17. Looks tasty - can't wait to try. Joining from Wednesday Whatsits -

  18. holy cannoli! I had never thought of MAKING these! I bet they taste YUMMY!!!

    hugs ~ Crystelle

  19. I didn't know you could really make gumdrops like that... great work. Thanks for linking up to Tasteful Tuesdays at Nap-Time Creations!

  20. These sound so simple. I may have to try some for Christmas!

  21. These look delicious! Thanks so much for linking up with us at the Keep Calm & Link Up party - hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far!

  22. My grandmother made something similar at Christmas. Instead of using flavored gelatin, she must have used the unflavored because hers were cinnamon, spearmint and I think peppermint. She must have used oils to add the flavor. I could hardly wait to see her on Christmas because I knew these would be waiting. What a great treat it was as we only got them at Christmas.

    1. What a wonderful memory, Cinnamon sounds wonderful, I'll have to see if I can make some that flavor and let you know!

  23. Is there a way to make them taste like cinnamon for red and not sure what for green for christmas gumdrops?

    1. Debi, unless Jello comes out with a new flavor Jello you'd have to substitute the box of Jello with another package of gelatin, probably 1/4 cup sugar and some flavoring, oh and some food coloring. I'll play with it and let let you know. I love the idea of cinnamon gumdrops!

  24. Hi! I stumbled upon this via Jell-o's Facebook page, and they look just beautiful! I make huge gift baskets of treats every Christmas for about thirty people, and have been searching for something new and different for this year. With so many treats to make (I do the thirty or so gift baskets for family plus a ton of other treats) simplicity is really important! These will definitely be incorporated this year! I do however have a few that I need to make sugar free or reduced sugar for. My question is: would these work the same (and set up properly) if I used sugar free Jell-o and granulated splenda? Thank you for posting such a lovely, simple and timeless treat!

    1. Wow, I'd love to be on your Christmas list! The sugar free Jello will work fine, as for the Splenda, I've never used it. If it preforms just like regular sugar, you're all set. If it seems too sweet, you can "thin it" with a bit (maybe a teaspoon per 1/4 cup sugar) of flour, make sure it's well mixed, sifting together would be best.

  25. Ooooo! These look festive and yummy. Plus I usually have all the ingredients! Thanks!

  26. Joan,
    These are amazing! I love the vibrant colors and this is a fun recipe that I can make with my kids. Great gift for the holidays too. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you share this week! Have a wonderful week.

  27. Oh, Joan...these look like so much fun. I love this post so much that I'm going to FEATURE it on Tasty Thursdays this week. Thanks for sharing. The party will be live tonight!! Nichi

  28. These look delicious. I just printed out the recipe. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party and would love to have you share this with everyone. Here is the link to the party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  29. I made these for my church craft fair where we sell cookies and candy by the pound. I used an 8x8 pan of cherry and it was about 3/8 inch thick. After a couple hours, I made a second batch of lime and poured it on top so they are reasonably thick and bicolor! They are drying in the over as we speak. Just a couple notes, I found that the whole thing kind of peeled out of the pan onto my cutting board. Course then it stuck to the cutting board so I peeled it onto waxed paper to cut. After that it was pretty easy! Thanks for the recipe.

  30. Joan you rock my boat with this recipe....I love sweeties and these are just perfect for me to make some for gifts and to keep all for myself. Thank you xoxo

  31. I've got my first 2 batches in the refrigerator now! WOW, can't wait to try them! Question, can you double the batch? I've got a big box of Jello in the cabinet and just wondered if it would hurt to double the recipe. Thanks for this recipe! Can't wait to share it during Christmas!


    1. Kalimae, Yes, you can certainly double the recipe, you might want to use a larger pan or you might like the thicker gumdrops.

  32. I have been looking for a gumdrop recipe to try this year and found the Taste of Home one, but am so glad to find your recipe. It looks fun and will make it for Christmas. This is the year to make candy, no more cookies!!!


  33. Do you think that you could pour the gumdrop mixture into silicone molds, like heart shaped ice cube trays? I have some and I think it would be cute to have heart gumdrops for Valentines, but I don't know if they would turn out.

    1. Yes Laura, you can. Lightly spray the molds with a cooking spray. I made some adorable heart shapes. It can get a little messy pouring the liquid into the molds but definitely worth it.

  34. Do they stay jello-y? Lol Or do they get a little chewier like traditional gum drop candies?

    1. These are softer than a traditional gumdrop, thing a really fresh gumdrop. I did find after about a week, they started to get a but chewier but not tough at all. Hope this helps.

    2. Yes it does! Thank you so much!! (Most bloggers don't answer questions so I really appreciate that you took the time to answer!!)


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!