Friday, October 26, 2012

Chocolate Meringues Bite Size

I love my kids. And I spoil them, well not really spoil but they don't have many chores around the house.

They have to keep their rooms, I won't even go in other than to check on them half the time. Disaster areas. I've told you about my son and his socks here. My older daughter is starting to take care of her room. My youngest will put on 12 outfits in one day, throw the ones she wore for maybe 10 minutes, on the floor, and she wears a uniform to school! Like I said, I don't go there. Their rooms are out of the way, anyone dropping by won't see the mess.

I did try letting them do their own laundry once.

It didn't work out. They just couldn't fold the clothes the way I like them folded. Clothes would get left in the washer or dryer for days. Like leaving dishes in the sink, I just couldn't handle it. So when my daughter tells me after dinner that she needs her band uniform in the morning, I have to start laundry. She wore it yesterday, she could have told me then but what else do I have to do but her laundry on demand?

I always have recipes that call for an extra egg white or an extra egg yolk. I've been known to throw the leftover egg yolk into a cake or a batch of cookies. But when I have extra egg whites, I like to make meringues.

Some people call them Forgotten Cookies or Kisses, it's all the same thing. A light, fat free, almost guiltless (I pretend I don't notice the sugar) cookie. And it's amazing how many cookies 1 egg white can make.

So on this night when I'm up late doing the laundry. (I had to do 2 loads, black pants and a white shirt, I don't mix my darks with my whites no matter how color safe they might be.) I decided to go ahead and get a jump on the weekend laundry. For some reason we have a jammed packed weekend all weekend anyway.

And I have a lonely egg white in the fridge. Meringues!

If you've never made them bite size you need to. Makes eating them like eating a handful of M&Ms or Skittles or Reeses Pieces or whatever your favorite small candy is. You get the idea. My hubby will take them to work, put the jar on his desk, just like a candy jar. Oh and they make a nice gift.

And Chocolate Meringues are the best!

Chocolate Meringues

1 egg white (room temperature)
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon cocoa powder

Just multiply your recipe for however many egg whites you have. If you don't have cream of tartar, leave it out, don't worry about it.

Place eggs in a medium bowl and start whipping, with a hand mixer is easiest if you only have 1 or two egg whites. Once your eggs turn foamy (white) you can add the rest of the ingredients. Continue whipping until stiff peaks form. Take a plastic bag and place it in a wide mouthed cup, sides folded over. Scoop your beaten egg whites into the plastic bag. Twist the top of the bag closed then cut the corner off the bottom of the bag to make a small hole about 1/2 inch. Now have fun, placing kisses on a parchment lined pan.

Place in a preheated 225 degree oven for 25-30 minutes. Turn off oven and leave in oven for at least 2 hours, or overnight.  Just "forget" about them.

Store in an air tight container such as a mason jar.

I'm sharing at some of these great parties.


  1. You can also add pecans & chocolate chips to this recipe. Yum! I think in the bite size cookies, the mini chips would work best.

  2. Meringues that look like kisses! How cute are these! One of these days I am going to conquer my meringue making fears:-)

  3. These meringues look beautiful and super light and delish! You poor mama though! My mom wouldn't let us put clothes in the laundry if we didn't wear it long enough--don't ask me how she reinforced that rule, incessant yelling, maybe? Lol

  4. Oh I hate when my daughter changes her clothes a thousand times a day! I can't stand clothes all over the floor!!! No what else I can't stand??? Not eating these!!! So cute!!! I've only made meringues once and they were a disaster. Think I'll try again with this recipe!

  5. My kids are kinda spoiled that way too. Although, I do have one son that likes to sweep and mop and actually does a decent job! It's nice that these meringuies don't use many ingredients and it looks like they are pretty easy to whip up. I think my boys would get a kick out of these.

  6. I watched these beauties come through facebook....Thank you so much for sharing them here at Foodie Friends Friday. Perfect!

  7. I am SO happy to hear that my kids are not the only ones with disaster rooms - my daughter empties her entire dresser looking for one sock - and of course it never get's put back - I simply pretend I don't know what it looks like:)

    I've only tried meringue once - but these look simply divine

  8. Mmmm I love making meringues!!! These little nibbles look delicious too!

  9. Oh, these are adorable and look mighty dangerous - pinned this one.

  10. When my daughter was in first grade, she was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD although they just called it "easily distracted" in those days. They asked me about medicine and I thanked them but said no. As we were leaving the office, the physician said that I should never expect her to make a bed well, fold clothes or hang them up the way most people would or even remember to take them out of the washer. I don't know if he was helping her out because she was a kid or because she had some issues but she is 31 now and she still can't make a bed, fold clothes or hang them up! I used to think she wadded clothes up and sat on them before putting them away! Anyway, those meringues look great and I never knew they were so easy. Thank you for showing me! You always teach me something!

  11. I’d like to invite you to join us at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick

  12. Hi,

    I'm hosting a COOKIE blog hop and would love you to join!


  13. These look so great! I've never made simple! Today is my baking day...coincidence, I think not!

  14. My daughter loves making these. I can't wait to share the recipe with her!

  15. Eek, these meringues are so stinkin' cute, Joan! And chocolate flavored? Definitely addictive!

  16. these look delicious! love bite size chocolates! please come link them up to our recipe link up! I'd be so honored if you did! ~~Katie

  17. These are so cute! They sound delicious, too :)

  18. Simple and easy but so lovely! Thanks for sharing these. I hope that you will share them at my Holiday Cookie Exchange:

  19. I love almost guiltless treats! And cute too? Thanks you for sharing at All my Bloggy Friends. I'm looking forward to seeing what you share this week! :)

  20. You're making me sooo hungry right now! Those look so good and easy to make. I've never thought to make my own. Thanks for sharing this at Sweet Saturday 2 weeks ago, and forgive me for responding so late!

  21. My MIL calls them Go To Bed Cookies!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!