Friday, August 10, 2012

Cinnamon Pecan Butter Cookies

Ya'll are my friends. And I can talk to my friends. This has been bothering me for almost a week now and I need to get it off my chest. And that's what friends are for, to listen, right?

The other day, I was shopping at Fred's, getting a few items. While waiting to check out, I watch a woman, in her forties, pull into the handicap spot right in front of the store. As she proceeds to run (and I do mean run) into the store, her male passenger takes the handicap permit out of the console and places it on the mirror. I watch the woman come into the store and dash through the isles.

I won't say this woman isn't handicapped, you never know what issues people have that aren't visible to the rest of us. But on this day, she certainly didn't need that handicapped space. To top off the story, the space right next to the handicapped one was available.

I know a few people that truly need that handicapped space. And I also know that if they don't need it, they won't use it. They understand what it means when they pull up to a store, when they're having a bad day or they have their passenger that is the reason for the special tag with them, and all the handicapped spaces are taken. Sometimes, it can mean having to cancel the shopping trip, or circling the lot waiting for one of the spaces to open up.

I'm not trying to judge anyone, but on that day I did. I judged that woman. I found her selfish. I still do. I feel blessed that I can run into any store I want, any time, not worried about the physical exertion of walking to the front of the store from my parking space that is closer to the exit of the shopping center than the front of the store.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is if you have a permit, and you're having a good day, don't use that handicapped space. You never know when it might be you, that really needs it one day and it's not available.

So now that I've got that off my chest, I feel better. I'm so glad I have friends I can talk to. Ya'll are the best! Of course I also feel better since I made these cookies. They remind me of a Cinnamon roll but in cookie form.

Cinnamon Pecan Butter Cookies
makes 7-8 dozen

1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon

5 cups all purpose flour
3 3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons baking powder
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 1/2 cups butter (3 sticks)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons Vanilla Butter and Nut Flavoring
5-6 tablespoons milk
1 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Stir together 1/2 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a small bowl. Set aside.

Stir together flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Cut butter into flour with a pastry blender or 2 knives. Beat in eggs, vanilla and milk. Stir in Pecans. Roll dough into 1 inch balls then roll balls in the cinnamon sugar. Place on ungreased cookie trays.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, until just starting to turn golden. Let rest on tray for 5 minutes before removing to racks to cool completely.

I'm linking up at some of these great parties.


  1. Mmm, those cookies do look really good. Question: what is Vanilla Butter and Nut Flavoring? Is it something you buy?

    1. Lesa, I'm so glad you asked about the flavoring, I forgot to add the link for it. It's From McCormick and it's just an unusual flavoring they offer but I use it a lot in place of regular vanilla, just adds something to the flavor. I call it my secret ingredient. It's easy to find around her so hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on a bottle.

    2. Thanks Joan! I will definitely look for it. It sounds really good and I bet I could go through a whole bottle with fall baking. :)

  2. I love all the ingredients in these cookies....looks like a winner!

  3. These cookies wouldn't last much with my family :)

  4. These look and sound amazing. I love nutty, buttery cookies like this. I am going to try for sure. And thanks for cluing us into the Vanilla Butter and Nut flavoring!

    1. You'll love the flavoring, I use it all the time in place of regular vanilla!

  5. Cinnamon and pecan... has to be delicious. Thanks for sharing your cookies on foodie friday.

  6. Ug, I hate when people do that. Annoying! And these good Joan. I want one!

  7. I have a feeling if I make this, my husband will eat them before I can try them. I agree with the handicap parking vent too!

    1. Thanks for being there for me Adelina! This recipe makes a lot so maybe he'll leave a few!

  8. These cookies contain all my favourite ingredients! Simply fabulous!

  9. These look so delicious!! I would love for you to link up to my linky party at The Mandatory Mooch. Still open for another day!!

    Thanks, Nichi

  10. Oh my, these look almost sinful! I love the pecans. Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  11. My mouth is watering just reading the name, I can't imagine how good these must taste!!

    I think I need to add this recipe to my holiday cookie list!!

    Thanks for linking up! I featured your post to my wrap up Have a great rest of the weekend.

  12. yum! i love recipes that are familiar but have a new twist- like these! cant wait to try it myself!

    noelle @ Norrey.

  13. I just Pinned these cookies! They look like the perfect Fall cookie with some cold milk or coffee in the morning!! :) Oh, and thanks so much for the sweet compliment you left on my blog this morning.

  14. Oh my gosh - these sound divine!

  15. I have been using Vanilla Butter and Nut flavoring for over 25 years in a coffee cake. I have always wanted to use it in something else. I can't wait to try these cookies!

  16. Seeing that would drive me crazy too.. I also hate seeing people in the pregnant and young children spaces who are neither.

    Delicious cookies! Pinned!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!