Monday, June 4, 2012

Lemon Curd Cake

I'm having a love affair with Lemon Curd.

So full of flavor, so silky smooth, the bright yellow color...
And I can pretty much eat it with a spoon. But then the family wouldn't get any.

So while searching for ways to use my Lemon Curd, so it might go a little further, I came across this recipe for  Lemon Curd Cake.

I learned a few things while making this cake. I don't mind washing mixing bowls. You'll need 3 for this recipe.

My hand mixer just can't whip 6 egg whites into stiff peaks, no matter how much I beg and plead with it. I had to dirty a 4th bowl and use my KitchenAid.

This cake was worth all those dirty bowls!

Lemon Curd Cake
adapted from Pastry Studio and Alpineberry
who both found the recipe in Emily Luchetti's Four-Star Desserts

4 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice

2 cups cake flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons butter, softened
3 tablespoons lemon juice
6 egg whites at room temperature
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

You want to first make your Curd. It's just like making my Canned Lemon Curd. Using a double boiler, whisk egg yolks and eggs together. Add in sugar and Lemon juice and whisk till all combined. 

 Place double boiler over a saucepan with about an inch of simmering water in it, making sure water does not touch bottom of double boiler. Whisking occasionally, cook until lemon Curd thickens. It took about 15 minutes for mine. Remove from heat and pour into a clean bowl. Cover with plastic wrap so plastic is touching curd and there is no air between the plastic and the curd. (like you would for a pudding.) Let cool completely.

Grease and flour a 9-inch cake pan or spring form pan. The recipe calls for a pan with 3 inch sides, I don't have one of those so I used my 8 inch spring form and also made a smaller 6 inch cake. I think a 9-inch spring form would work fine. Place a circular piece of parchment paper on the bottom of the pan(s).

Get ready to sift. Sift your cake flour and then measure 2 cups. Now sift flour, 3/4 cup sugar, baking soda and salt together. Set aside. 

You've worked so hard sifting, be sure to spoon flour into your measuring cup, you don't want to pack it in. 

Cream butter and lemon juice together in a large mixing bowl then mix in lemon curd. Blend in flour mixture till all combined. Set aside. 

Beat egg whites using the whisk attachment (KitchenAid) till foamy. While continuing to whisk, gradually add remaining 1 1/2 cups sugar. Turn mixer to high and whisk until stiff peaks form. Once I switched to my KitchenAid, this took about 8 minutes. 

Fold egg whites into batter till all combined. Be gentle, you don't want to break up the egg whites. 

Fold batter into pan(s). I probably could have fit all the batter into the spring form but I didn't know how much this cake would rise. 

Bake in a preheated 325 degree for 50 to 60 minutes. Do not over bake. Test for doneness using a toothpick, you want a few crumbs but no sticky batter. Remove from oven to cool on rack until completely cool. 

Run a knife around the edge of pan to make sure loosened then flip onto a serving plate. Dust with powdered sugar before slicing and serving. 

This cake has such a delicate taste, and the texture is a cross between an Angel Food cake and a Pound cake (if that's possible.) 

Just serve it with a few berries for garnish because this cake doesn't need a thing to make it scrumptious! I'll be making this again soon. I don't mind a few dirty bowls. 

I've linked up at some of these great parties.


  1. Go for the spoon, The family can have some next time. I will definitly try this one. Pinning, Hugs, Ginger

  2. I always upload your recipes, etc. on Pinterest. People repin them and I think come back here to get the recipes. Love lemon curd. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for pinning! I use pinterest as my recipe box. When I find something I want to make, I pin it, then I can pull up on my phone at the store for ingredients and on my laptop at the kitchen table to make it!

  3. I've got some lemon curd sat in the fridge that would be perfect for this cake! It looks so light and fluffy - can't wait to try it.

    1. That's why I made the lemon curd then put it in the measuring cup to cool. It's about 1 3/4 cups if your using already prepared lemon curd. Let me know how it turns out!

  4. This sounds great - I have a jar of Dickinson's lemon curd at home, think I might experiment and use it (versus making it from scratch)...hope it still turns out! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Sarah, definitely let me know how it turns out! You'll need about 1 3/4 cup of already prepared lemon curd.

  5. This looks like it has such a wonderful texture! I definitely want to try this recipe. Yummm! Thanks for sharing :)
    --Jacqueline @

  6. This looks delectable! Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  7. This looks amazingly delicious! I would love it if you would share this on my linky party Tout It Tuesday.

  8. Fantastic lemony cake recipe! My lemons are getting close to being ripe and I can't wait to get into the lemon flavored baking-oh yum;-)


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