Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Banana Bread and Facebook

I love facebook, I think everyone should have an account.

I would say that I have met, in person, about 75% the people on my friend's list. Now I'm not what I call a "friend collector". I don't just friend you, or accept a friend request because FB recommended it or we have 50 friends in common. When I get a friend request, I check it out. I look at your posts, pictures, common friends, etc before I accept. If everything is blocked, and we have a mutual friend in common, I will message that person and find out who you are. I'm letting you see into my life, I think I should know who it is, don't you?

Oh and I absolutely will not be friends with you if I know you are not at least 13 years old. Sorry but lying about your age on facebook is the same as having a fake ID. Just a pet peeve of mine.

So what about the other 25% on my friend's list.

Some are relatives that I've never met. (We can only travel so many places, and only really take one vacation a year) Facebook helps us get to know these people and connect with them.

Some are friends of a friend. But we had something in common. Something that bonded us other than the goal of 5000 people on our friend's list.

And one or two, were actually just a fluke.

 But now, even though I haven't ever met them, they are my friends. Not just a name on facebook, but someone that cares, someone that when you are sad will give you a lift, when you ask for prayers, will say that prayer, and when you want to jump for joy, they jump with you.

I have less then 300 friends on my friend's list but I can tell you about each one of them. Why they are my friend, not just another name on the list to 5000. And remember, you are letting these people into your life, your home, so to speak, you should be a little cautious, don't you think?

So, anyway, one of my friends that I've never met, was so excited for me when I started this blog and offered to share a few of her treasured family recipes with me. Thanks Kristen, you are truly special!

****Now I do need to say this before I give you the recipe. I HATE bananas, have never eaten one, can't stand the smell of one. But what does my dear friend send me.....Banana bread.

And she cares enough to add a note at the end-

You may add 1/2 cup chopped nuts, raisins or dates to the wet mixture. In your case Joan, semi-sweet chocolate morsels!

I like to smear some peanut butter on a warm slice-heaven!

So off to the kitchen,

Banana Bread

3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening
2 eggs, room temp.
1 cup mashed ripe banana (about 2 medium)
1 3/4 cup unsifted all-purpose flour
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt

Beat sugar, shortening & eggs together until light and fluffy.

Mix in bananas.

This just looks gross

Mix dry ingredients together separately then add to wet mixture.

Stir until just smooth.
Ok, it looks a little better now

remember, the kind note about adding nuts and chocolate chips...

I've got all sorts of things I can add...

I tripled the recipe to get rid of all the bananas, so I have 3 loaves to work with...

First one gets, of course, chocolate chips

Second one is cinnamon chips and pecans

And the last one is double nut, walnuts and pecans (hubby loves nuts)

Pour into a well greased & floured loaf pan.

Bake at 350 F. for 50-60 minutes or until firmly set when lightly touched on top.

Cool on rack for 10 minutes before removing from loaf pan.

They look beautiful! But now I have to try it, ok, Kristen mentioned peanut butter, I like that idea.

I tried the chocolate chip loaf, with the peanut butter and....

sorry Kristen, not gonna be a favorite of mine. But the kids and hubby, and everyone at hubby's work LOVED IT!!!!!!

Even Cassie,

 until she found out it was banana bread,

 then she put her second slice down and walked away...

she's my child that's most like me.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww shucks......you're pretty special yourself Joan. Bake on my FB friend & I will continue to follow you on your journey. I hope you like the next recipe (applesauce spice cake) that I forward to you better. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!