Friday, September 23, 2011

Candy Corn Cupcakes

I have to tell you, I had fun making these.

I wanted to to get into the Halloween spirit with everyone else (and not just by eating as much chocolate as I can).

And I tried to make these Chocolate and Peanut Butter Bugles

You can go visit Cookies and Cups and see what they are supposed to look like.

I will tell you these are one of the best snacks I have ever eaten,
but I will never make them again.

Bugles are like chips, 1/3 of the bag will be unusable for these.
The peanut butter yummy is delicious and I could make myself sick eating it all by itself....
but what a pain in the butt trying to get it into the tiny bugle opening.
Now the dipping is easy, my 9 year old did it for me.
When all was said and done, we only had enough to fill a large butter tub.
In a family of 5, that can cause injuries.

So Shelly (at Cookies and Cups), If you can hear me, next time you make these, I'd be happy to take them off your hands!

Back to me.

 I can be as clever as the next person. A few months back the girls and I made a rainbow cake. I can use the same principle to make Candy Corn Cupcakes!

And I did it the easy way, box mixes.

Candy Corn Cupcakes

1 box white or yellow cake mix
1 box chocolate cake mix

Make both batters as directed on box.

Divide the yellow batter in half (or close)

And color one of them orange.
(and a shameless plug for Pampered Chef, I love my batter bowls!)

Line muffin tins with liners (you're using 2 boxes of cake mix so this will make up to 48 full size cupcakes)

Time to make a mess....

Spoon, laddle, use whatever you have to fill each muffin cup about 1/3 to 1/2 half full with the chocolate batter.

Next, add some of the plain yellow/white batter

Almost done,

Add the orange batter to top it off.

Now bake as directed on the box.

(secret tip-to keep them from sticking at the top if you've over filled 
or have drops like I always do,

lightly spray pan before putting in oven with Pam or other non-stick spray.)

They look pretty scary like this but add some icing and a few candy corns

And the kids will get a kick when they bite into it

And you can also make these in the mini size although when I did it I only used the yellow and chocolate

Look, mama cupcake and her babies, awe, aren't they cute?

One more thing before I let you go.

When I take cupcakes, or any food for that matter, to another location (school, church, hubby's work)
I try to use disposable containers, that way I'm not upset if I never see it again.

Transporting cupcakes can be tricky, 

get you hands on the can soda boxes

Cover them with foil, then add a ribbon around the sides with a hot glue gun.
People will be impressed, trust me.


  1. Oo oo oo, I want one! Great idea, these cupcakes look delicious!!!

  2. Thanks so much, they are simple and good, and just fun to make!

  3. LOVE the inside of those cupcakes.... SO CUTE!

  4. Thanks Mama J, that's also one of my nicknames, hehe, makes us both awesome!


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