Saturday, October 13, 2012

Twitter Etiquette

We're continuing our journey into the world of Twitter. I'm so thankful to Carla of Chocolate Moosey for sharing all her knowledge of Twitter, I feel so lost trying to figure it all out on my own.

I think that is probably the best thing about the blogging community. The willingness of everyone to help each other. I can't tell you how many times I've sent an e-mail to a fellow blogger with a question "how'd you do such and such" only to have them reply with all the information I could want and need and an offer to help in any way they can.

If you missed it, Carla has already covered the basics of twitter and why a blogger should use Twitter. I'm excited for this post. I'm figuring out the tweeting and retweeting . I've tried to make sure I have 3 tweets a day and also to comment  on 3 other tweets from friends that I'm following. These are just small steps but we all have to start somewhere. Now Carla will tell me how to do it all the right way.

Before you head over to Chocolate Moosey for Twitter Etiquette I want to let you know next Saturday, Carla will be winding up the Twitter series and my friend Anita from Hungry Couple will be starting us on Food Photography and the Food Photo Sharing Sites.

Looking for more tips for bloggers, just click here.
Online BlogCon
Online Blogcon is just 9 days away. I have to tell you it's the best $15.00 I ever spent and the conference hasn't even started yet. Ashton and Dorothy have done an awesome job lining up Speakers and Sponsors, A ton of giveaways and the networking is already happening in a facebook group. It's not to late to register. The team has already announced the group will stay open after the conference. What are you waiting for, go register!

I'm sharing at some of these great parties.


  1. I found you on the link up party and this is so perfect! I haven't started a Twitter account yet for various reasons but have learned that it is really holding me back with my blog so trying to learn more about it!

  2. Yay! Love this series from Carla and can't wait to see the one from Anita! You rock Joan!! I really enjoy your linky party - met some really nice people over there!

  3. Heading over now ... Can't wait to see Anita's series :-)

  4. Thanks for these twitter tips! =)
    Im heading over to look at Carla's blog.


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!