Saturday, October 20, 2012

Photo Sharing Sites-why you should!

It's Saturday, time for more helpful tips!

Today I'm going to send you in 2 directions. Chocolate Moosey is Finishing up her series on Twitter. This post is a good one. Maximizing Blog Traffic! It's what we all want, isn't it? Getting people to click over and read what we've written.

Also I want you to head over to Hungry Couple. My friend Anita has written a comprehensive, go to, you must pin and bookmark this post, Working with Photo Sharing Sites. She covers everything from Foodgawker and Tastespotting to Recipenewz.

You don't need to have a fancy camera to get accepted to these sites. Some are pickier than others, some will take anything, some drive more traffic than others...and, everyone's experience will be different. You can't compare a picture of a chocolate cake to a salad. Both can be attractive and appealing to the eye but will draw completely different audiences.

From my own personal experience, I will tell you it never hurts to submit. Once you get in the habit, while editing your photos, to have a copy of your favorite photo cropped square and re-sized to 500 x 500 pixels, it's just a matter of a few clicks to submit. I've only had one photo accepted to Foodgawker, this one, without the text of course,

This photo was taken with my Sony Cyber Shot camera, a point and shoot. Nothing fancy. The wood base and background are 2 cutting boards. That's wax paper between the bars. I even thought the bars looked kinda messy. I've received over 1000 referrals from Foodgawker to my blog because of this photo. And I'm still receiving them. This was back in August. 

The top sites turned down my favorite photo of all time. 

They don't know everything. The Today Food Featured it! You know from The Today Show, that morning News show? They called it Luscious! 

The point is, submit your photos! It won't hurt and only takes a few minutes. So head over to Hungry Couple, Her list of sites is phenomenal, Anita has done all the homework for us! 

I'm sharing at some of these great parties


  1. Ooh...chocolate covered peanut butter graham bars?? Are you sending those to me in a care package, perhaps? Like for Christmas, maybe. Hint, hint. :) I think the actual bars in that photo are enormously compelling. Yeah, what do those photo sites know! :)

  2. Great post, very informative-pinned!

  3. I agree with luscious, wow!

    Thanks for sharing the links; we all can always use more traffic. Will visit them now. :)

  4. Great post, Joan! And thanks for sending me to the Hungry Couple's fabulous post. As a new blogger, I'm seriously in need of this useful information.

  5. Thank you so much for the great info! I can't believe they turned down that fabulous pic! It looks so delicious. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent. I'm always so thrilled to have your yummy recipes. The party is up and running for this week. HUGS

  6. Joan, I love this!! I can use all of the helpful tips I can get. You rock!!

  7. I do not understand at all. Though both the pics are good, the second one is more droooolicious... and they are mu favorite too when I compare both and these people reject it. When mine got rejected I stopped submitting them and after having read this yes it is only a matter of few clicks and heck why not???? right.

  8. what a great post - i'm loving this! i'm going to check this out now! :)

  9. great post Joan, I'm going to need to check some of these out!

  10. what a great post! thanks for the info

  11. I just re-read all posts - yours, the twitter, and the photo sharing - SUCH great advice! seriously thank you so much for sharing what you know:)

  12. Thank you for sharing this! You know, I have a love/hate relationship with the foodporn sites. Some amazing photos get turned down and it all depends on which person from the site reviews your photos. Grrr :)

  13. Great post...I agree, I have gotten so many referrals from these type of sites. Some are picky, however...but it never hurts to submit!! Thanks for the tips :)

  14. You have so much great information in all your Blogging posts! I am loving this series, Joan!

  15. Joan,
    I always take away so much needed info from you. This is a great post and I'll definitely start sharing my photos (at least the good ones, lol) Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday :)


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!