Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Spiced White Hot Chocolate

I'm part of this new group, Chocolate Lovers. It's right up my alley, chocolate, right? Well each month we are supposed to make something using chocolate and a specified ingredient. September was easy, chocolate and apples. I made Crepes with Caramelized Apples and Chocolate Sauce. Totally amazing. And there were so many wonderful recipes shared using Chocolate and Apples. I've pinned too many, I'll never get around to trying them all, but I'll never be without inspiration.

So for October, they chose Chocolate and Pumpkin. This should be easy. It probably is for every one else in the group but not me. I have a confession to make. Remember, I'm a picky eater. It's why I let my middle child slide. I been where she's at.

I have never had pumpkin, not in any shape or form, in my life. And I'm 46 years old. (Don't spread my age around, ok?) No pumpkin pie, no pumpkin muffins, no pumpkin anything. If pumpkin was served, I did without. My Grandma used to make Pumpkin Pie and Mince Meat Pie for Thanksgiving dinner, every year. And that was it, no cookies or cake or anything. Guess who didn't have dessert at Thanksgiving? Me. It took her years to finally decide that I just wasn't going to budge on the issue and she starting making a dessert just for me.

As I've gotten older, I'm less picky but still when ever Pumpkin whatever is served there's usually something else also on the table that I'd rather have. So I've just never gotten around to seeing if maybe, I might like...Pumpkin.

I found this amazing looking Pumpkin Spice White Hot Chocolate from Good Life Eats on Pinterest. Reading Through the recipe I find she uses Pure Pumpkin Puree in the recipe. Nope sorry, I'm not ready to jump into the deep end. Baby steps, I need baby steps.

So hear is my first baby step...

Pumpkin Pie Spiced White Hot Chocolate
Makes 2, you can share

2 cups milk
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/4 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice

You can do this in the microwave or on the stove. I'm a stove top kinda girl. Heat milk to a simmer and add in chocolate chips. Continue heating until melted, add in Pumpkin Spice and stir or whisk until blended in. Serve with some fresh whipped cream and a bit of Pumpkin Pie spice on top.

If pumpkin tastes as good as this hot chocolate I'm a new fan. An added bonus, there's no caffeine in white chocolate so when you can't sleep at night, instead of a little warm milk, Just make this white hot chocolate and you'll be sleeping like a baby in no time.

I'm sharing at some of these great parties.


  1. When I was young(er) I also thought I didn't like pumpkin but I was wrong, wrong, wrong! :) For your next baby step add just a spoonful of pureed pumpkin to something chocolate because those two flavors go great together. In no time at all, there will be a pumpkin fest going on in your house. :) As for this recipe, I LOVE white chocolate...maybe with a spoonful of pureed pumpkin to give this drink some body. :)

  2. I love your hot chocolate and especially love your post! What a great way to start the day!

  3. You have never had pumpkin??? Girl you are missing out on some serious goodness...but I still heart you:-) And I love that you sprinkled that yummy drink with the pumpkin pie spice. We will get you there with those baby steps!!!

  4. I can't believe you'd never had pumpkin! Even so, your first baby step is a delicious one--this hot cocoa looks phenom!

  5. Oh my goodness, it's hard to imagine fall without pumpkin baked goods. This white hot chocolate looks like a fabulous place to start!

  6. I almost died - no pumpkin ever?! Like....EVER?! Not even a nibble of pie? How could you avoid it - that's all my Twitter feed is filled with, pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin!! Anyway, I love the idea of pumpkin pie spice rather than actual pumpkin in my drink because if you don't blend in pumpkin well enough, you have, well, chunks of pumpkin LOL I think i'm going to do this with my next hot chocolate (white or regular)

  7. Did someone say pumpkin and white chocolate?? That combination sounds delicious - can't wait to try! I found you via Online BlogCon :)

  8. You had me at pumpkin pie spice! I can't wait to try this!

  9. Looks amazing! Can't wait to try this out. Megan

  10. EAU MAH GAH... I can't wait to try this!!!

  11. This sounds like the absolute perfect beverage for my early mornings by the fire. Can't wait!

  12. I don't like pumpkin and chocolate, but I bet that I would love pumpkin spice and white chocolate.

  13. It looks fabulous. I am wild about anything pumpkin and feel bad that you've missed out (in my perspective anyway). I love this idea and the simplicity of it too.

  14. Love it! We're huge hot chocolate drinkers in the winter, this is a nice change. :)

  15. oh you didn't!!! I've got a bar of white chocolate, and we absolutely love all things pumpkin around here (granted I didn't ever try it until I married hubs and it's one of his favorite fall flavors). THanks for sharing on Foodie Friday!

  16. Joan,
    Love it! This looks super delicious! I sure hope you keep on trying pumpkin in baby steps, it really is delicious, one of my favorites. I will definitely try this White Hot Chocolate. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you share next week. Have a great weekend.

  17. Oh my, I must make this for my husband! He would love it! And my kids would love it as well!

    Thanks for linking up with Frugal Food Thursday at Frugal Follies! I've "liked" this on StumbleUpon as well!

  18. What beautiful photos! This sounds delicious!

  19. Oh my, I am going to have to make this. My youngest son's favorite pie is Pumpkin and he Loves white hot chocolate. He is going to think I'm the "Best Mom ever" when I make this for him. Thanks so much for the recipe!!

  20. Yum...pumpkins and chocolate...I can't wait to try this.

  21. Ooohhh that sounds really delicious! I love white hot chocolate, and pumpkin spice sounds great with that!!!! YUM!!

  22. What an elegant drink, can't wait to try it and would love to try it right now. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  23. Yummm-- I need hot chocolate asap now! Thanks for sharing at Pin It Thursday!

  24. Oh my....I just got up to a chilly house, and this would be perfect to warm me up. Love the pumpkin and with white chocolate my "isn't allowed to have a lot of chocolate" little boy could enjoy too! Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  25. I love this recipe! Oh man, that looks amazing! Did you like it?????? What did you think of your first pumpkin????

  26. Oh my goodness. I need one of these, like now. Right now. Sooo yummy looking! Thanks for joining us at the Keep Calm & Link Up party this week - see you again soon for the next one!

  27. How beautiful! I can't wait for it to be cool enough to try this. Heck I might not even wait. Thanks for sharing on Love Bakes!

  28. Ooo-la-la! I've never had pumpkin pie spices with white chocolate! Genius! I'll be featuring this on Sweet Saturday tomorrow ;) Thanks for sharing, you're a doll!

  29. Oh that sounds absolutely amazing AND easy to make! This will definitely be made at our house this fall/winter! Thank You for sharing! Cheers!

  30. I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate, but I'm willing to try this. Maybe as someone suggested with a bit of pumpkin stirred in. And maybe just a dash of vanilla extract. Oh, yummy!

  31. Great recipe! Thanks for sharing :) omg white chocolate and pumpkin, great combo :)

  32. I made this the other night. All excited to have a differnt type of hot chocolate I haven't had before. I found out I'm not a white hot chocolate fan. The recipe souned so good and thank you for sharing.


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!