Monday, September 3, 2012

Crepes with Caramelized Apples and Chocolate Sauce

One of the great things about blogging are the people you meet. Some are fans who share your love of food. There are those that try your recipes and come back and let you know how it turned out. And then there are other bloggers. I've been fortunate to meet so many wonderful, supportive people. One of my favorite bloggy friends is Roxana of Roxana's Home Baking. She shares my love of all things sweet but especially Chocolate. Roxana had a brilliant idea to do a chocolate challenge each month. I was thirled when she asked me to participate.

This is an open challenge so if you'd like to get involved, Just pop over to the party page and let Roxana know. Also participating are Patty's Food, Tutti Dolci, Bakeaholic MamaLemons and Anchovies, That Skinny Chick Can Bake and Dinners, Dishes and Desserts. We'd love to have you as part of the group next month.     
Each month the party will have a different theme but always including chocolate. Since fall is in the air, Apples was a perfect choice for September. Apples are probably my favorite fruit. I know it was the only fruit I would eat as a child.

I didn't have much time to prepare so I rack my brain and hubby's, trying to decide what to come up with. Things like an Apple Crumb Pie with chocolate melted and drizzled were brought up (and now I'll have to make that for the hubby soon.) I wanted something that I could make in smaller proportions. It's been a long time since I made crepes and the last time didn't turn out so well. This was the perfect opportunity to give it another go. I tried these with and without the chocolate sauce. I may be a bit biased when it comes to chocolate, but the chocolate sauce really adds to these crepes and of course, it makes the plate look pretty.

You can make your apples and batter ahead of time and then it just takes a few minutes to cook up the crepes when you are ready to serve.

Crepes with Caramelized Apples and chocolate sauce

1 egg
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon butter, melted
dash of salt

3-4 medium tart apples (I used Granny Smith)
1 teaspoon butter-just a pat
1 tablespoon brown sugar

Chocolate sauce

In a blender, combine egg, flour, milk, water, melted butter and salt. Blend until smooth. Refrigerate 30 minutes before using.

In the meantime, Core and slice apples, with or without skin, I like to leave the skin on.

In a medium frying pan, melt butter, add apples and brown sugar. Simmer on medium low heat, stirring occasionally until apples are soft. About 15 minutes. You should have developed a little sauce on the bottom of the pan.

To make crepes. This will take a little practice, I got it after my first one. Using a small saute pan, melt a little butter in pan over medium heat. Using a small ladle or large spoon, Place about 2-3 tablespoons batter in pan. Using the back of the ladle, spread the batter to cover the bottom of your pan.

You want your crepes to be thin, the thinner the better. Cook for 1-2 minutes then carefully, loosen the edges and flip over, and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Just like cooking pancakes. You're looking for that perfect golden coloring.

Remove from pan to serving plate, place a strip of apples down the center and fold sides over. Drizzle with chocolate sauce.

Be sure and check out what everyone else made, I love all the great combinations for Apples and Chocolate! 
I'll be linking up at a few of these great parties


  1. WOW, your crepes look spectacular, Joan!! The chocolate drizzle takes these from lovely to extraordinary!!!

  2. Yup, Panko bread crumbs in my strudel...I updated my post to clarify :) Thanks!

  3. What gorgeous and delicious looking crepes!!! Mmmmm

  4. Oh my goodness...that photo of those apples caramelizing in the pan...I'm salivating!

  5. Ooh that looks good! I love love crepes. I'll have to try pairing them with apples. chocolate is always a must! I came over from Stonegable link up and I'm excited to see what else you have coming up! I am always in need of new recipes

  6. Oh my, that looks incredible! I haven't ever tried crepes at home, going to have to change that soon!

  7. I love crepes but for some reason, I'm intimidated to make 'em at home! This recipe changed my mind, though. Look how awesome those are!!

  8. I agree with Haley. Crepes intimidate me, so kudos to you!

  9. What lovely crepes, I love the caramelized apple and chocolate drizzle!

  10. I love crepes, maybe because as I grew up these were the only "pancakes" i knew. What a great idea to filled them with caramelized apples, and the chocolate drizzle, mmm
    Thanks for accepting my invitation to share your love for chocolate along with me <3

  11. I am loving this series. Apples and chocolate and lots of inspiration!

  12. I love your apple chocolate creation -everything is better in a crepe, that's for sure!

  13. Delicious! I love your recipe for crepes. The green apples look perfect!

    Stopping by from Mangia Mondays (I posted #24, Trout with Almonds, Lemon, Butter, Parsley, Pepper & Capers)

    Amber @ The Cook's Sister

  14. Gorgeous crepes Joan! These sound so good!!

  15. Looks fantastic! I just love crepes and you did a wonderful job!

  16. Your crepes turned out beautifully! What a great combination with caramelized apples and chocolate. The challenge sounds like a lot of fun.

  17. wowser! had me at chocolate!!

  18. These look amazing. Crepes are one of my favorites and an excuse to have chocolate at breakfast makes it even better.

  19. Yummy! Those look absolutely divine!! Pinning it to make later! Have always wanted to try crepes! :)

  20. I can taste how light and seasonally delicious this dessert is... please, please share it today on foodie friday.

  21. SEriuosly Joan, these look amazing. I've never made crepes before but I 've been wanting to try. And thanks for sharing the info about the Chocolate Party! I'm so excited to participate.
    Dawn @ DJ's Sugar Shack

  22. This looks fantastic and like an easy breakfast! Thanks for sharing at All my Bloggy Friends last week. I can't wait to see what you share tomorrow! :)

  23. Chocolate, caramel, and apples in a crepe...awesomesauce!!!!

  24. I can smell the yumminess already!! Thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch!! I hope you will link up again. The party will be live tonight.

    Thanks, Nichi


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!