Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Fruit Dip

So as we continue on with Apple week, I had to make something my picky child would eat. Remembering how I was at her age, I cut her a little slack on forcing her to eat all the fruits and veggies that everyone else in the house is willing to eat. I'm hopeful, that like me, she will grow out of it, at least partially.
When it comes to dips, vegetables usually get all the fun. Carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, they're sturdy. They can take the dunk into a thick dip and not break off, bend-dropping all the dip back into the bowl, Big enough to hold onto without your fingertips getting a little dipped too.

Fruits are delicate and sweet. Hard to dip. And lets face it, Fruit really doesn't need dip. Fresh, full of flavor, sweet or tart. Juicy. Apples can stand alone, and they do it well. But apples also represent all fruit in the dipping world. They're strong, they're holdable and they go well with everything. Sweet or savory, hot or cold dips, Apples can take it and hold their own.

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Fruit Dip

1 bar (8ounces) cream cheese, softened
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
dash of nutmeg (optional)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Cream together all ingredients until well mixed and smooth. Serve with sliced apples, strawberries, graham crackers...whatever you can find to dip!

Be sure to check out all the other wonderful apple recipes from these great ladies

4 Sisters from Crumbs and Chaos   Carrie from Bakeaholic Mama
Averie from Averie Cooks   Crystal from A Pumpkin and A Princess
Cassie from Bake your Day    Ali from Jam Hands
6 Sisters from Six Sisters Stuff

A great big thank you to Jocelyn from Inside BruCrew Life and Aimee from Shugary Sweets for putting together Apple Week. Be sure to pop over to their blogs, they're having a giveaway from Crunchpak.

I'm linking up at some of these great parties.


  1. That looks really yummy. I make a similar one with sour cream instead of the cream cheese. But I love how thick yours is. Fortunately, my girls love love love fruit, but I've always had to force myself to eat it, so fruit dips are always helpful for me!

  2. Mmmm...this dip looks irresistible! Love it! :)

  3. Your words about apples made me smile. That looks yummy!

  4. Looks delicious! I'm pinning this to my recipe board and am now a new follower!

  5. I have bags of apples in my fridge that need this dip to come visit them:-) It looks divine!!!

  6. This dip is awesome!!! Love the flavor combination! My apples would be so happy! Of course I may skip the apples and just use a spoon!

  7. Thank you for linking this up to Wonderful Food Wednesday! I am going to have to try this one. My kids will LOVE it.

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  8. This sounds awesome and sinful at the same time. But at least there's fruit involved, right!?

  9. I love serving a cream cheese fruit dip at parties! a super crowd pleaser for sure. BUT THIS- this sounds heavenly and a lovely new option for me to serve up!

    Thanks for posting! SUPER cute design btw! i'm your newest follower!


  10. Oh My Goodness Joan,
    This looks out of this world! Hope you are having a fabulous day and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  11. That looks so simple and delicious! I will have to try it soon since we've been buying a lot of apple lately.

  12. Thanks for linking up at Pin It Thursday-- I featured you here http://www.sweetbellaroos.com/2012/09/22/pin-worthy-featured-links-2/

  13. I must make this dip! Looks sooo good and easy!! http://savedsister7.blogspot.com/2012/09/yummy-in-their-tummy-crock-pot-chicken.html

  14. My kiddos would love this dip on their apples :) Just wanted to thank you for linking up last week and let you know the party is live now! I can't wait to see what you share this week at All my Bloggy Friends!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!