Monday, August 27, 2012

Chocolate Almond Butter or Homemade Nutella

I like to be a good mom. I like to be the cool mom. So I buy my kids Nutella. They love it. Nutella is one of those things you either like or you don't. I don't. And honestly, I never really thought about it. I'm not a big jelly eater either. Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, I think I've had maybe one in my entire life. So the Nutella craze didn't faze me in the least.

I never even thought about why I didn't like this chocolaty spread that everyone else just raves about. I just went on with life.

So I'm snooping around Silvia's Cucina facebook page and I find this photo for Homemade Nutella. I share it on my page because that's what I do, I share yummy photos with my friends. I don't think anything more about it and go on about my business. At the grocery store, I'm restocking my baking pantry and I notice the slivered almonds. Hmmm, maybe I'll try that recipe from Silvia's. I pop the 5 ounce bag in my cart and finish with the rest of my shopping.

I can now tell you why I don't like Nutella. It's the Hazelnuts! I am so in love with this Homemade "Nutella" I made 3 batches, using up all my almonds. I had to test out the cocoas, with and without the instant coffee. I wanted to be thorough for you. And maybe I wanted to keep licking spoons.

Making this takes no time at all and with Nutella running $5.00 and up a jar, I think we'll be sticking with this homemade version from now on!

Chocolate Almond Butter
adapted from Silvia's Cucina

1/3 heaping cup of slivered almonds
3 tablespoons oil, I used vegetable
1/2 cup cocoa-I used Hershey's both regular and special dark
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon instant coffee granules (optional but really good in it)
1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk

In a food processor or grinder, I have a handy dandy chopper,  ground almond slivers to a fine grain. You want it to almost be like Flour. The first batch I made, I didn't grind my almonds fine enough and you could feel the almond granules on your tongue, still tasted good but not smooth.
Once almonds are finely ground, add oil, cocoa, vanilla, brown sugar and coffee granules to your food processor. Blend for 1-3 minutes, until a paste forms.

In a small saucepan, over low heat combine paste with about 1/3 of the sweetened condensed milk.

Stir until smooth then add another 1/3, stir again, then add remaining milk. Continue stirring until mixture is smooth and fluid. Transfer to jars or other storage container.

Once completely cool, store in refrigerator. When using, if thick, just microwave for a few seconds to soften and make spreadable. After licking that spoon, and Yes I licked it! I had to try this out on something other than a slice of bread.

By the spoon, on a slice of bread or toast, spread on crescent rolls and then baked as normal, this spread is good any way you choose to try it! I can't wait to try out all those Nutella recipes with this stuff.
I'm sharing at a few of these great parties.


  1. I printed and I'm so making this!

  2. I was just talking to someone yesterday about Silvia's homemade Nutella but my friend has children that are allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. So I was going to try it out with sunflower seeds, I wonder how that would come out. This one with almonds sounds delicious (I prefer almonds over hazelnuts too!) Great adaptation Joan! :)

    1. Carrie, I'll bet the sunflower seed would be wonderful! let me know how it comes out!

  3. This sounds so good. I can't wait to try it :)

  4. Ooooh see I love hazelnuts--but this chocolate almond butter looks like I'd fall in love with it too ;)

  5. Oh. My. Goodness. Joan, I need this and a spoon and I'm done for. Done for, I tell you! How delish is that?!

  6. OMGosh! Great idea! I FINALLY just bought myself a food processor so I can totally make this! I was actually inspired to make something similar this weekend, take a look:

  7. Oh, this looks so tasty! I haven't made Nutella in several months. I do mine just a bit different by processing until the nuts have become a 'butter'. That does away with the granules. And, being dairy free and unable to use the milk, it makes it much easier to have a spreadable blend. Thank you so much for sharing :) I would like to invite you to share your recipe in our linky. It can be found here: Have a great week!

    1. Mary, thanks for sharing an alternative way to make this. I know lots of people have allergies and are always looking for ways to adapt their favorite recipes.

  8. One more reason I really need a food processor! Looks amazing, Joan!

    1. Lesa, I don't have a full size food processor, I have a Handy Dandy Chopper by Black and Decker that I've had for at least 10 years, it only holds about a cup and a half but worked perfect for this!

  9. How scrumptious, I really need to make my own Nutella!

  10. Oh my gosh, Joan - I think I love you! How great is this?!? I'll be getting supplies on my next shopping trip!

    1. Thank you for sharing at All My Bloggy Friends last week. I can't wait to see what you share this tomorrow! :)

  11. How long will this store, and do we refrigerate or pantry?

    1. That's a good question, all of the ingredients have a long shelf life but just personally I wouldn't keep it more than a month and I'd keep it in the refrigerator.

  12. Oh how incredible!! Now I want some of this on top of some pound cake!

  13. I have whole almonds in the pantry. What is the total amount of almond grains used, or can I just use 1/3 cup of whole almonds?

    1. If your almonds are already ground, you're looking for about 1/3 cup. I would probably use a heaping 1/2 cup of whole almonds to make up for the air space you'll have between nuts.

    2. Thanks, cannot wait to make this!

  14. Does anyone know if this could be canned? And would it need to be water bathed or put in the pressure canner? Hmmmmmmm...
    Julie ~~

    1. I wouldn't recommend canning this, it would over cook the sweetened condensed milk and change it. Best to just keep in the fridge. in my house this stuff isn't lasting long. I made 3 batches and I'll have to make more next week.

  15. I like Nutella but I've never been crazy about it the way a lot of people are. It's so rich! But I love the idea of making it from scratch!

  16. I love Nutella. I could probably eat a whole jar in one sitting if left to it!! This homemade almond butter looks just as delicious. I will for sure be trying this out.

  17. Would shop bought ground almonds be ok to use as I don't have a processor to grind mine? :)

  18. Would shop bought ground almonds be ok to use as I don't have a processor to grind mine? :)

    1. Yes, they would, I was just using what I had in the cabinet!

  19. This would be very dangerous for me to have at my house!

    1. It is dangerous, I never touched the Nutella but I've been having a hard time staying away from this stuff!

  20. I love this idea so much! Nutella is not all that healthy dispite the advertizing that says so. This way you can add the oil and perhaps the nuts, of your choice and in my case, since I'm allergic to chocolate, I can use Carob. Love it, I'll Pin it! Thanks for linking up with me!

    1. Nutella definitely isn't healthy, I checked the jar and the very first ingredient for Nutella is sugar. I do like being able to control what goes in to my food at least. The Carob would be a great alternative!

  21. The sweetened condensed milk is not a healthy option. I'm wondering if I could use mashed banana or raw cream instead (or a combination of both).

    1. Lillian, if you're looking for a healthier version, Chocolate Covered Katie has a recipe you might be interested in
      Katie's recipe uses agave and milk instead of the sweetened condensed milk.
      I'd love to know if you try the banana, after all chocolate and bananas do go well together.

  22. I like Nutella as it is and I'll bet I'd like your version just as much. And when I say "like" I mean I can't go near it because my "taste tests" will suck up 3/4 of the jar! :)

  23. This might just be the coolest thing I've ever seen. I love Nutella, but at the rate I eat it/use it in baking, I'm likely to go bankrupt. This is the answer to my Nutella prayers!

  24. With a 13 year old that adores Nutella, I will have to give this a try! It looks fabulous!

    Jen @

  25. I'll be honest, I'm not sure I've ever had nutella. Just the name sounds weird to me, lol. I'm going to give this a try though. Thanks for sharing on foodie friday

  26. Nutella or your version is awesome on fruit! We love to dip apples and strawberries. My kids like when I take a whole banana and slice it lengthwise, spread some Nutella on it then put it back together like a Sandwich! YUM YUM YUM!!

    1. We had some of this with apples and strawberries, also as a sandwich with peanut butter, spread on morning toast...we haven't found a way not to eat this yet! Great idea about the banana, I'll have to pick some up at the store and let the kids try it!

  27. Hi Joan,
    What a great recipe, I can almost taste it, I will be making this soon. Hope you have a great holiday weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  28. This recipe was so good!!! I didn't have almonds so I used pumpkin seeds that I had gotten to make granola. It wasn't as sweet as Nutella, but I don't see that as a bad thing. I'll have to see what my kids think of it when they get home from school.

    1. I love that you tried it with the pumpkin seeds, great alternative for anyone with nut allergies! Hope the kids enjoy it!

  29. My daughter will so thrilled to see this recipe!! Thanks for sharing it on Manic Monday :)

  30. This sounds awesome but I was wondering if anyone has tried it with walnuts....If I am making I would like to make all flavors....:)

    1. I haven't tried with anything but almonds yet, but I'll give it a try with pecans (have them in the freezer) and let you know!

  31. Absolutely awesome- I needed this!!!!

  32. I will be making this because like you I think Nutella is way too expensive! However, my girl loves it and often requests me to send it to her in college. Thank you for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Please come back and VOTE on Sunday!

  33. Can you believe I've never tried Nutella?! This looks great...I'm assuming it tastes even better than the store bought kind too!!

    Thanks for joining us this week @ Keep Calm & Link Up! Looking forward to seeing what you link up next week as well :)

    I'm sharing this NOW on my FB page too!!

  34. This is definitely worth a try! Looks fabulous. I prefer almonds to hazelnuts, though hazelnuts are ok. This could be dangerous!!

  35. I am excited to try this... Nutella? meh. But the almonds... now we're talking!

    Stop by sometime! :)

  36. I just made this! it tastes great, I didn't get the almonds as fine as I wanted, Its a little gritty! I will keep trying! I have a mini Black &decker Mini Pro plus I used to pulse my almonds. so far so good

  37. I am making this!!!! Thanks for linking up!!!

  38. Although my husband really doesn't like store bought nutella he might like this as I could put less chocolate in it. He has a peanut allergy so can't eat peanut butter and we are always looking for alternatives. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday and hoping come and join us again next week.

  39. You really had me interested when you said you didn't eat pb and j!! Are you crazy?? :) Thank heavens you like almonds because this looks heavenly!!! Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing at Foodtastic Friday!

  40. Nutella is expensive but hello, now I can make my own!!! What an awesome and incredible AND dangerous thing this is going to be:-)

  41. Congradulations. I just came over from Back For Seconds. These look amazing. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this and any other posts. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. It runs from Wednesday to Sundays.
    I hope to see you there. I am your newest follower, and I would love for your to follow me also. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  42. I am totally going to try this! My kids are a little tired of our old standby peanut butter!

    I'd love it if you could link up to our new food meme- Wonderful Food Wednesday.

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  43. Looks amazing!!!! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  44. Oh my goodness. This looks sinfully yummy!! Thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Thursdays at The Mandatory Mooch. I hope you will link up again this week. The party will be live tonight!!

    Thanks, Nichi

  45. The sliced banana with the nutella on it I bet is awesome, but I first put peanut-butter
    on it then the nutella. Trust me you will love it

  46. With a hazelnut allergy in our family, Nutella hasn't been allowed in our home for the past few years. I am going to try this one to see if it will work. YAY!!

  47. Hi,
    Just found your blog today. We all love nutella around here but your version sounds so tasty. I pinned this for later use when I decide to make some. Thanks for the recipe!

  48. hi
    i want to know which vegetable oil should be used & does the smell of oil comes in the final product??

    1. Hi Momina, I've used Wesson, Crisco and even generic oil, also canola oil so far. I haven't noticed any smell other than chocolate coming from this. The original recipe used grape seed oil and I've also seen versions using olive oil. Let me know if you try it and what oil you decide to use.

    2. sure will tell u about my result.....can i use corn oil instead of canola oil??

  49. Oh my GOSH!! This looks truly AMAZING! I think I would have to give it away, so that I wouldn't eat all of it!

  50. Oh my goodness. I love your recipe. The pumpkin spice white hot chocolate is sooooo good!! I love Nutella so much thanks so much for this! Your blog is the best I have ever stumbled upon.

    1. Sarah, you are so sweet! I'm actually having a White Hot Chocolate as I type this, it's become a nighttime ritual for me. So glad you're enjoying what I have to share, hugs!

  51. This is simply AWESOME!!! Altho' its 12 midnight here, I HAVE to try this right now, especially bcoz there is no excuse - I have everything needed right in my pantry! You have a great blog indeed!:-)
    Tease Your Taste Buds

  52. Can I get on your Christmas list? YUM!!!!!!

  53. My friend LOVES almonds so I've made a big jar of this for her Christmas. I don't think it will last long... My processor didn't grind the almonds too fine bit that's okay - it reminds me of a big jar of melted Toblerone. ;)

    Merry Christmas and keep the fab recipes coming. :D

  54. I'm excited to try this as my boy l loves nutella and asks for it at every meal every day! I just have 2 questions. Is this cheaper to make than to buy? And about how much does this make? Thanks : )

  55. i am from trinidad ,nutella is about 30 dollar a bottle so making a homemade version is great ,i just love your blog thanks!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!