Friday, August 17, 2012

Birthday Cake Milkshakes

It’s hard to believe I been writing this blog for a whole year already. What started out as a project for my girls and I to bake together in the kitchen has turned into so much more. As a SAHM it’s given me something to do while the kids are in school. It’s opened up a whole new world of supportive friends who all share the same love of all things sweet and yummy.  I’m so thankful for all of it and all of you.
I've learned so much about blogging, facebook, pinterest and food photography. I started out not having a clue. A dear friend came over to my house and showed my how to get started and I just went from there. Thank you Tracy! It’s not nearly as much as I need to know. I'm still learning. I've decided there may be a few out there wanting to jump into the bloggy world so I’ll be sharing over the next few months a few tips that have helped me go from really bad photos that no one saw because I didn’t know how to share them (thank goodness for small favors) to decent photos that are seen by an average of 2000 views a day.

So onto the celebration! This was really just an excuse to make a milkshake. My older daughter has been bugging me for weeks to get her a Zaxby’s Birthday Cake Milkshake. First off, fast food places charge way too much for milkshakes. And we’re a family of 5. Let’s do the math, 5 x $4 = $20 for milkshakes? I don’t think so. Plus, we recently had a bad milkshake experience at a major chain. I won’t name them but they rhyme with Tonic. I love their cheeseburgers. Being lured in on ½ price after 8pm, hubby and I snuck over there one night to surprise the kids. Five 32 oz milkshakes for $10.60. Oh yeah baby, what a deal. Always remember, you get what you pay for. They advertise real ice cream but maybe the milk is fake? I don’t know but when everyone starts passing down their mostly full milkshake to the next kid in line…let’s just say we won’t fall for that one again.

Luckily for me, Sarah from Fantastical Sharing of Recipes linked up her Cupcake Milkshake at Thursday’s Treasures. Oh yes, I’ll just make them at home.  I didn’t have any canned frosting but I did have everything else on hand. And if I didn’t care for it, I wouldn’t be out $20. I had no need to worry, these are the new favorite in our house, and so, so easy!

Birthday Cake Milkshakes
Makes 2

1 cup milk
5-6 large scoops vanilla ice cream
3-4 tablespoon yellow or white cake mix
Corn syrup

All the measurements are estimates, everyone scoops differently, do what works for your blender.  
Prepare your glass. Place about 2 tablespoons of sprinkles in the bottom of a small bowl; you want your bowl just a bit larger than the mouth of your glass. Using your finger, rub corn syrup around the rim of your glass then place rim in sprinkles, moving around a bit to get good coverage. Repeat with second glass and set aside.

Place milk, ice cream and cake mix in blender and blend until, you know, milkshake consistency. Pour into prepared glasses and top with the remaining sprinkles in your bowl. No waste.
Add a straw and enjoy!
Note: you can add sprinkles into the blender with the other ingredients but we found it just clogged the straw and made it harder to drink.

Thanks for sharing this journey with me and keep coming back for more yummy goodness. 

I'll be linking up at a few of these great parties


  1. Happy blog anniversary. Your milk shakes look fantastic!

  2. Congrats on your blogiversary, Joan! I've really enjoyed getting to know you and your yummy treats this past year. Here's to many more! :)

  3. Happy birthday Joan, you do an awesome page! You were one of the first to encourage me and I thank you for that. Congratulations and keep the chocolate coming!!

  4. Happy blog birthday and I am so glad your family loved them :) They are so inexpensive and delicious!! :)

  5. Happy blogiversary, Joan :) I am so with you on feeling overcharged - we're a family of 7! Needless to say, we do a lot of fakeouts at home!

  6. Happy Blogiversary! So glad I found your blog even if it is a year later :) These milkshakes look soooo delicious!!!

  7. Yum! I love that you rimmed the glass in sprinkles! Best. Idea. Ever.

  8. OMG! What a fun and great milkshake!!! Happy blogiversary!

  9. Congrats on 1 Year! I'm a rookie blogger & looking forward to your upcoming blog tips. Oh, and of course those milkshakes look amazing - Love the presentation & pics :)

  10. These look so good and festive to boot. My husband LOVES milkshakes and this would be a fun twist.

    If you get a chance I would love for you come link up your recipe at my Pin Party this coming Monday.

  11. Happy one year! I soooo need this milkshake right now. It's Friday after all ;)

  12. Happy Anniversary! What a great way to celebrate:) LOVE it!

  13. Looks delicious! Happy Anniversary!

  14. Congratulations Joan! As much as I have known you, you are a very beautiful person, inside and out! Best wishes xo

  15. Happy anniversary! This milkshake sounds just wonderful.

  16. Happy Blogiversary to you! The milkshakes look so fun :)

  17. Happy First Year, you've done a wonderful job. I love the milkshake it's like a kid's margarita. Thanks for sharing it on foodie friday.

  18. Oh I'm feeling very inspired by this right now!!!!

  19. Oh my gosh, I need one or ten of these in my life right now.

  20. Happy anniversary! This idea is ridiculously cute!! Can't wait to share it with my grandchildren. What kid doesn't love sprinkles??

  21. I haven't heard of these before but cake batter ice cream is one of my favorites. These look delicious! I hate to pay for the shakes too. I will be making one of these quite soon.

  22. Congrats on your blogiversary..
    What a perfect time for you to post this recipe as we were out of town a few days ago and we stopped into an old fashion ice cream parlor and I had a cake batter shake and it was Fantastic and I swore I had to find a recipe and now you post this :)
    Yes is was very $$$ to !
    Thanks much !

  23. Looks like a great way to celebrate your blogging birthday!!

  24. This would be better to serve at a birthday party than cake for my family. We aren't much of cake eaters.

  25. This looks fantastic! Can I have that for breakfast? =) Would love for you to share at the Pomp Party!

  26. Love this! My little guy turns 8 next month and he would love these. Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  27. Now this is so creative, my kids would go crazy over this, I am pinning to make this!

  28. Happy Anniversary Joan! These milkshakes look divine! Love it! They are so simple too. And simple is just up my alley these days ;) Thanks for sharing and congratulations!

  29. Congrats on a year of blog love the friendly chat and great tips.I actually used one of your recipes posted here not too long ago for the jello cupcakes they turned out heavenly i used them for my daughters wedding shower with a little added special touches and they were a hit.The only thing i did differently was i used a scratch cake recipe instead of boxed prepackaged they were exquisite. Thank You for such a great blog site and all your sharing

  30. is there a way i could share some photos of the Jello cupcakes i made and howw the whole display turned out would love for you too see them and share with the rest of your readers

  31. Happy One Year...milkshakes with cake mix and sprinkle rims? Best way to celebrate!!!

  32. fun milkshakes I bet the kids loved them :-)

  33. Oh, boy, these look ridiculous, and I mean that in a good way ;) Thanks for linking this up at Sweet Saturday ;)

  34. Congrats on one year! These milkshakes are the perfect way to celebrate! Love the sprinkles on the rim!

  35. YUM! I would want one at least once a week though...don't think I could wait for my birthday! The sprinkles on the rim make it so cute too :o)

    Thanks for linking up with Keep Calm & Link Up last week! Can't wait to see what you link up this week as well!

  36. So stinkin cute!! What a fabulous idea..I love the jars sprinkled with colorful sprinkles! I am totally going to do this with my grandkids! Come link up to Centerpiece Wednesday on my blog and share this idea!

  37. These look great and delicious. Thanks for sharing at Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you be back this week with more great stuff!

    1. You are a featured favorite on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes this weekend! Thanks again for sharing this fabulous recipe! :)
      Mackenzie :)

  38. Delicious!!!! Stopping by from Happy Hour Projects.

  39. This could quite possible be the most delicious shake I have ever heard of! YUM!!!

  40. P.S. I had to subscribe -I do not want to miss anything! :)

  41. Happy Blogiversary! I'm featuring your recipe this week over at Addicted to Recipes!

  42. Thanks for linking up at Create & Inspire last week! We'll be featuring YOU tonight! Be sure to come by, grab a button and link up some more fantastic projects!


  43. You won my kids over with these milkshakes Joan! Thank you for sharing them with us! ~Donika xo

  44. This would be so great to make for my son's circus themed first birthday! Thank you so much for contributing this to the link party at mommy's sweet confessions! See you at the next one!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!