Thursday, June 7, 2012

Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

It's time for the Crazy Cooking Challenge again.

This month it's smoothies! What an easy assignment and perfect for this time of year!

Oh how I must suffer for the sake of this blog sometimes.
And then make my kids suffer by taste testing. And then just to be sure hubby will suffer a little.

So many choices. I was all set to make this Watermelon and Blueberry Smoothie from Yummy Inspirations but when I went to the fridge to make it, all the watermelon had disappeared. And I just cut it last night. Can't get on to the kids too bad, it is fruit after all and not cookies.

There was this Chocolate Almond-Java Smoothie from a Healthy Jalapeno but I didn't have any leftover coffee to make the ice cubes with, and the coffee ice cubes we did have, well I used them the night before on this delicious Caramel Coffee Shake from Shugary Sweets.

But I did have all the ingredients for this one. The recipe comes from Cupcakes and Kale Chips. Brianne is what I should be, what I want to be, Sweet and healthy.  I've got the sweet down but I'm a little slack on the healthy. Be sure to check out her Italian Herb Oven Fries and her Balsamic Roasted Vegetables. Oh and she's got the cutest little boy you ever did see.

So onto the challenge!


Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie
from Cupcakes and Kale Chips

I doubled the recipe
2 cups frozen strawberries
1 whole frozen banana
2 ounces cream cheese
6 ounce container vanilla yogurt
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with a fresh strawberry and a graham cracker. It is cheesecake after all.

Be sure to check out all the other Delicious smoothies everyone found for this challenge. And when you're cutting up your fruit, be sure to hide some from the kids so you can make a few of these!


  1. Yummy Looks so good. I love strawberry cheesecake. This is a popular one this month it must be good. check out my peach choice #17 ccc

  2. Sounds delicious Joan! What a pretty color!

  3. Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie - It sounds perfect! I have to hide things from my family that I want to use ... or very mother-like tell them to leave it alone, it's mine :)I love all these smoothie ideas!

  4. Looks sooo good! I love this challenge!

  5. This sounds DELICIOUS! I can't wait to try it. I have vowed to make smoothies once a day all summer long, breakfast or a dinner substitute on hot summer days and I can't wait to try ALL of the Crazy Cooking Challenge recipes from this month. Thanks so much for participating.

  6. Wow this one looks greats it's going on my to do list on Pinterest!
    Check out mine #33

  7. I could definitely go for a cheesecake smoothie--that looks phenomenal!

  8. This sounds amazing! And it looks SO good!

    I don't know why but I love the way those frozen bananas look! LOL!


  9. I am so honored you chose to make my smoothie, and even happier everyone loved it. And thanks for all of your sweet words. I love your graham cracker garnish!

  10. So yummy looking! I have lots of frozen bananas. I must make this!

  11. Oh my gosh, Joan! I cannot WAIT to try this! Strawberries are my favorite!!

  12. Oohh I love that this has yogurt and bananas in it! I made cheesecake milkshake, so this is definitely a welcome alternative!! :)

    I stumbled, pinned, tweeted, and FB'd your entry!


  13. Cheese cake that I can drink...YUM!

    Thank your for checking out my CCC entry: Mango Melon Banana & Chia Smoothie

  14. Wow, sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it! CCC #29 ;)

  15. This smoothie sounds delicious. Strawberry cheese smoothie - you have my wishing I had one right now.

  16. Oh yum, I love strawberry cheesecake and now I can make it in smoothie form! It looks delicious. Stopping by from CCC#9.

  17. I LOVE strawberries, and this smoothie makes my mouth water!!

  18. Wow! Lot's of smoothies... New follower from Manic Monday. Love for you to follow back and link up to Mom's Monday Mingle.

  19. Mmm I love smoothies! Gotta try some of these out!

  20. YUMMMMM-O! You're being featured. :)

  21. This looks great - I have added your link to my link party to give you and your recipe additional exposure. Feel free to stop on by and check it out. Thanks Athena


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!