Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Strawberry Hand Pies

We're in full swing with strawberries here in Georgia. We went picking last weekend and got 5 buckets full of strawberries. I froze some, made smoothies, made syrup (post on that coming soon.)

It's been a week now and I need to do something with the remaining strawberries in the fridge before I have to throw them out.

Then my friend over at Les Repas de Mon Enfrance: Growing Up Franco-American, posts this wonderful Mocha Crunch Cake. He's french and one thing the french know how to do is bake. This cake is on my list of things to make. But I start wandering through his pictures, so much to drool over and I find his recipe for Blueberry Hand Pies.

Solution found. I can easily adapt this recipe for strawberries and I have everything on hand.

Strawberry Hand Pies
adapted from Les Repas de Mon Enfrance: Growing Up Franco-American

2-9 inch pie crusts
2 cups washed and cut strawberries
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teapoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons corn starch
1/2-1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons water
sugar for dusting

Combine sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and lemon zest, whisk till well combined. Set aside. Combine strawberries and lemon juice, make sure strawberries chunks aren't too large, smaller is definitely better.

Combine egg yolk with water to create an egg wash, whisk well.
I used Pillsbury Frozen Pie Crusts so I just unrolled them onto a cutting board. Cut pie crusts into 4 sections.

Place a good spoonful of your strawberry mixture in the center of each section. Be careful not to put too much of the juicy syrup, trust me on this, it will all ooze out onto your baking tray.

Now fold over from one outside edge to the other, creating an envelope, filled with your strawberry goodness.

Brush inside edges with egg wash then using a fork, press to seal edges.

Place pies in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before baking.

Place pies on a parchment lined baking sheet, brush tops with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. poke tops with fork to allow steam to escape.  Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes, until tops are the perfect golden brown, just like you want a pie crust to be. Let cool on pan for 30 minutes before removing to rack to cool completely.

This recipe will be perfect for any fruit or berry, just adapt your lemon juice to fit the fruit. On the original recipe with blueberries it called for 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This was too much for the natural juiciness of the strawberry but would be perfect for apples or pears.

I see a lot more hand pies in our future.

I've linked up at Crazy Sweet TuesdayTempt my Tummy TuesdayTrick or treat TuesdayShow me HowTasty Tuesday PartyA little Bird Told meTotally Tasty TuesdaysThe Culinary LensWednesday WowsersNewlywed's BlogRock N ShareJunk in their TrunkCast Party WednesdayGrateful BellyMrs Fox's SweetsThursday's TreasuresTaking a Time outSomething Swanky


  1. Great way to use pre-made pie dough! Couldn't be easier! So many fillings to try out...

    1. Thanks Lauren! I've been dreaming of all the fillings I'll be able to use as the fresh fruit comes into season.

  2. Clever way to turn a circle into triangles..I am sure these are incredibly good

    1. It was the easiest way, my kids actually helped make these, always like to keep it simple.

  3. Fresh Strawberries?! I checked the rhubarb last weekend and the red is just poking out of the ground. Very few gardens have been planted up here.

    I bet Puff Pastry (my new love) would work for this recipe too.

    1. Ooooh Robyn, Puff Pastry would knock these out of the park!

  4. Yum! I love a good hand pie. I can't wait for strawberry season here!

    1. I'm hoping our season lasts just a little longer.

  5. HI can't wait for strawberries in Maine. Few more months. I recently made a strawberry yogurt cake. Your little hand pies are so cute. Making some hand pies is on my bucket list, one of these days I will do that. Nice post andi

    1. Thanks Andi. A strawberry cake sounds wonderful!

  6. These are probably perfect for me... for portion control! Plus makes sneaking desserts in packed lunches easier. Great idea, I will definitely be trying it!

    Visiting from Whimsically Homemade!

    1. You are so right about the portion control and these do travel well.

  7. I love everything about this recipe!

    Ps love your blog - new follower!


  8. Yum! Tis the season for strawberries! Please link up to Foodie Friday! or stop by Facebook Friday

  9. Oh how I love strawberries!! :) These look yummy as always! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  10. These look so good! I'd love it if you'd share them at Sweet & Simple Sunday! Stop by if you can!

  11. Love strawberries and these remind me of my grannies old time fried apple pies but now that we know baked is better for us this is awesome! Thanks for sharing at the Rock N Share!

  12. YAY!!! I have so been thinking about making hand pies and didn't know what I wanted to put in them. Now I know. You are making me so busy today, sweets! Thank you so much for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 31. <3 and hugs!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!