Wednesday, October 12, 2011

a tale of two Butterfingers

(Stick with me to the end of this one, it's worth it)

About 2-3 weeks ago, everyone was posting a recipe for Butterfingers. You know that crisp peanut butter center, covered in chocolate.

One of hubby's all time favorites!

I saw it first at Brady's blog Gluesticks, she's a crafty kind of gal.

The very next day I saw it at In Katrina's Kitchen.

I'm loving this idea.

And it's not a new one, Plain Chicken posted this a year ago.

So it must be good, I have to try this.

And the recipe is just too simple: candy corns, peanut butter and chocolate.

I ended up using Katrina's recipe, for the measurements.
Easy Butterfingers

3 cups candy corn
1 cup peanut butter
chocolate for dipping

Melt candy corns in the microwave, sorry, I'm a double boiler kind of gal, never figured out the right way to melt things in the microwave without scorching or splattering everywhere. So melt your candy corns, then add peanut butter and blend till everything is creamy. You may need to heat it a bit more to get the nice creamy stage.

Pour into a buttered 8 x 8 pan and let cool about an hour. Cut candy into desired shapes and dip in chocolate. Place on wax paper until chocolate is set.

So easy.
Here's how it went:

candy corns
we had fun playing
add peanut butter
stir some more
almost done
spread in pan
time to cut

Chocolate (my favorite part)
melt it
now dip
and dip
I did a few bars
now to let them set

Look ma, I made a butterfinger!

Now if you want to impress your friends and not spend all day in the kitchen, this is it. Tastes just like a butterfinger. And you made it!

But it is lacking the texture of a butter finger. That crisp, breakaway, fall apart, center that is a butterfinger.

I wanted more.

So I searched.

and I searched some more.

And I found Vicki at Wilde in the Kitchen had a scratch version.

With the flaky layers.

That's what I want.

Now I won't go into all the details on this one because I completely screwed up her recipe, but I will give you a few highlights.

melt peanut butter
add to sugar, corn syrup mixture
pour into pan

I had to stop here. 
I screwed up somewhere.
I didn't get one decent shaped piece.
They all broke up.

It didn't stop me from dipping a few in chocolate anyway.

This recipe did have the flaky inside but I knew I did something wrong. 
It was dry,
and crumbly.

Where did I go wrong?

So back to the computer

and I stumble upon
lots of talk about the temperature being 300 degrees. 
the Wilde in the Kitchen only had the temperature up to 290 degrees.
Maybe that's it.

But I'm still searching, I want to get this right. I get that way. And the family doesn't mind eating the mistakes.

And then I find Lisa.
This is a lady after my own heart.
and she has this great post about how she tried to make butter fingers, over and over. And some of her pictures even look like mine! She must have it right!
And she took her temperature all the way to 375 degrees on one batch.

So I'm ready to go back in the kitchen.
I'm prepared to have a few mistake batches.
I even buy some generic peanut butter for this.
(If you check the labels, they are almost identical to name brand)

Here's the recipe, the one I used ALL DAY!

Butterfingers from Scratch

1/3 cup light corn syrup
1/3 cup water
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup peanut butter
Vegetable oil for pan and knife
Chocolate for dipping

I even went up to the The Kitchen Collection and bought a new candy thermometer, just in case mine was off.

OK, batch number one:

corn syrup, water and sugar
in a 2 quart heavy sauce pan
medium-low heat, stir
starting to boil, stir
full boil, time to stop stirring
and insert the candy thermometer
now were on medium high heat
and I have to get somewhere between 325-375 degrees
I've got a long way to go
and no stirring
and then....
it rapidly changes color
and starts to smell
and I didn't even get to 300 degrees?

Dump out, start over
Batch number two
same start
once at full boil
I put both thermometers in
both are reading the same
and crap!
lightning fast
the color goes from a beautiful caramel color to brown
but it doesn't smell burnt so I add my peanut butter
pour onto the greased pan and start to score with my greased knife

I let it cool, enough so I can take a taste
ugh, burnt again
it does have the flaky, crispy texture
this is the recipe
I just have to get it right

And luckily I have more than one 2 quart sauce pan because this one had to soak for about 8 hours to finally get the burnt, hardened candy out of it
Here's a tip- if your sugar is burnt-stop right there!

OK, take a pause. I've been in the kitchen for 2 hours
and while stirring and watching the temperature
I've been reading my cookbooks

and in the very first cookbook I was ever given
is a section on candy making
blah, blah, blah
there's something to that beautiful caramel color

oh and this tip about your thermometer not touching the bottom of the pan 
but being far enough in to get a reading

Well guess what I figured out?

There is not enough liquid in a 2 quart sauce pan to get a good reading

Batch number three

in a 1 quart sauce pan
bring to a boil sugar, corn syrup and water
stirring constantly
now stop stirring
medium-high heat
use the thermometer but don't let it rest on the bottom
bring it up to about 290 degrees
watch your color, you want a beautiful golden color
this is the best picture I can give you for that
the drips from my counter
on the left-burnt
on the right-perfect
I warmed my peanut butter in the 2 quart sauce pan
till it was all warm and gooey

ok, time to move fast (sorry, no pictures here)
you're at 290 degrees on the sugar mixture

add sugar mixture to the peanut butter, 
quickly stir together
(do not scrap down the sides of the sugar mixture pan, 
just leave what doesn't pour out)

pour onto your greased jelly roll pan
count to about 20
just enough for it to start to set
 and start to score your candy
look at it

Allow to cool at room temperature then break into pieces.

Time to dip in chocolate!
I lightly coat the bottoms
then drizzle
pour over the tops
and tap the excess off
set on parchment or wax paper
to set

That old saying, It's what's on the inside that counts?

This was worth all the failed batches!
And now that I know what I did wrong,
it was easy,
and I'll make these again!


  1. You should get a medal for perseverance! I would have given up after the first batch. Like they say, good things come to those who wait, and they do look good! :)

  2. Wow, that's dedication! I would have given up a LONG time ago! Good job, Joan!

  3. lol, I think hubby would have had me locked up if I made it one more time, just glad the kids were at school, I used a few more choice words than "crap".

  4. Wow! Delightful and yummy!
    Thanks for sharing, Joan!

  5. @fresh Garden, these really are good, the from scratch ones, the kids were ready to fight over the last one!

  6. Ha ha This was a joy to read. Your oommentary was so funny. I wanted to read all the way to the end, like a movie you can't stop watching or a book you just can't out down :)

  7. I am so happy you stopped over at my blog because I found yours. I have been wanting to make Butterfingers for quite some time (my husband's favorite) but wasn't sure about the candy corn. Now after all your hard work, I can and know they'll come out perfect...thanks :)

  8. Way to go! I am so glad to meet someone else that will make batch after batch of something until getting the "right" result. Love it!


  9. @Tiffany, lol, thanks, it was probably closer to a saga, haha.

    @Lisa, definitely go for the scratch one, it's so worth it!

    and @ Comfortably domestic, not sure if it's too much time on my hands, or just plain stubbornness but I will make something over and over (if I think it's worth it)

  10. I am impressed with your determination to get it right...I would have given up after the first batch of burnt sugar. Then I would have headed to the store for a big bag of butterfingers to soothe my bad mood:-)

  11. Thank you for this post!!!! I love blogs like yours that do all the hard work. ;) This worked beautifully for me. Thanks again!!

  12. I finally used my candy thermometer for maybe only the second time last weekend to make caramels. Now that I'm feeling a little more adventureous, I'm going to have to try these, because holy cow, they look amazing. I'm dyin', here!

  13. Awesome post! Are you going to drop this off at Foodie Friends Friday this weekend? I think this would go over really well.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing at FFF! I have a feeling I need to make these right now! I love Butterfingers.
    Your co-host Jutta

  15. I did the same tests as you a little while ago with the same results. But apparently what I was lacking was your perseverance. I'm going to have to try again!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!