Monday, October 17, 2011

Liebster part 2

I was so fortunate to receive an award a few weeks ago. The Liebster Award.

I actually received it twice! On the same day!

From two wonderful ladies!

Lesa at Edesia's Notebook posted first.

Then Debi, from Recipes for my Boys posted.

In German Liebster means (n.) beloved, dear, dearest, love

If you haven't been to Edesia's Notebook or Recipes for my Boys just click on the links and have a quick look around. Both have cooking styles similar to mine, you won't find impossible dishes that you would never in a million years make, but good, delicious, sometimes healthy, sometimes sinful, recipes.

So the rules that come along with award are simple:

1) Show your thanks to the blogger that gave you the award by linking back to them.

2) Reveal your top 5 picks by leaving a comment on their blog.

3) Post the award on your blog.

4) Enjoy the love of some of the most supportive people on the internet.

Since I received this award twice, I figured I'm entitled to give this out 10 times!  I did my first five right away. You can see it here  An Award!  They were all great choices but I'm so glad I can give out a few more.

These are not all food blogs but blogs that I feel are worth the read, can use our support or just a great source to go to. Check them out, you won't be sorry.

1)  Fatherhood Isn't for Wimps, Darryl, he gets it! His boys are first in his life, and his life isn't always easy. He's a single Dad doing the best he can for his boys and sharing with us as he does it. In this blogging world of mostly women, it's nice to get a man's point of view every now and then.

2) Confessions of a Semi-Slacker Mom, Tracy, it's all her fault I even have a blog. I was posting pictures on my regular facebook of all the yummy things my girls and I bake, and Tracy, good friend that she is, said, you should do a blog and share your recipes. And she's been slacking lately, not even posting on HER blog. What kind of example is she? But when she does post, it's too funny, she tells it like it is, even about herself, which most of us aren't willing to do. She helped me come out of the closet and admit, yes, I too, have fed my family cereal for dinner!

3) Come Together Kids, Laura is just so full of ideas, for kids, for kids to do, craft ideas, rainy day ideas, gift ideas, cheap ideas. Even if you don't have kids, you know someone who has kids. Unless you live on an iceberg in the Antarctic, by yourself. Then you can do all her fun crafts, because, well you need something fun to do besides freezing your butt off and making sno-cones!

4) Fizzy Party, Tiffany is so creative! If you just want to decorate for a holiday, or throw an all out decorated to the hilt party, this girl has the ideas! And she shares them with us, with lots of pictures (I'm a visual kind of girl) And you don't have to spend a fortune to get these cool effects. And she puts the links to where she finds her ideas, if they're not hers. I just love seeing all she finds!

5) Ok double duty here, two sixes-Six in the Suburbs and Six Sisters Stuff, both full of great ideas, and both done by six women each. Basically a six for one blog sale! Every time I look at facebook, these ladies have posted another cute, simple, ingenious idea! Definitely worth the look.

So there's my last nominees for this award. I can't wait to see who they choose next!


  1. oooh THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I am soo touched, seriously, this is amazing. Thank you. And it couldn't have come on a better day. I was starting to get disgusted with people and their All I care about is ME attitude. Bad commute this morning. I'm thrilled!!! I can't wait to pass this award on :) and to check out all the blogs you nominated.

  2. So glad I could add some cheer to your day, I love all you post!
    Hugs, Joan


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!