Friday, October 7, 2011

An Award!

You know those days, when everything is so busy, you might for get to breathe is it wasn't automatic, just so much going on, in my mind and in the real world?

Yesterday was one of those days, nothing bad or anything, just going in 30 different directions.
Then I see an e-mail, Lesa has left a comment on your post.

By the time I finally get around to checking my blog, there are 2, two, not too, posts!

And both posts are giving me an award.

Lesa at Edesia's Notebook posted first.

Then Debi, from Recipes for my Boys posted.

In German Liebster means (n.) beloved, dear, dearest, love

I can't tell you how excited, loved, appreciated, all warm and fuzzy, this made me feel.
Both ladies cited their special reasons for selecting me.

Debi and Lesa, you are both friends and an inspiration each day! I look forward to what you post each day, even if it's just "good morning," you make me smile. Who can ask for more than that!

If you haven't been to Edesia's Notebook or Recipes for my Boys just click on the links and have a quick look around. Both have cooking styles similar to mine, you won't find impossible dishes that you would never in a million years make, but good, delicious, sometimes healthy, sometimes sinful, recipes.

So the rules that come along with award are simple:

1) Show your thanks to the blogger that gave you the award by linking back to them.

2) Reveal your top 5 picks by leaving a comment on their blog.

3) Post the award on your blog.

4) Enjoy the love of some of the most supportive people on the internet.

Since I was given this twice, I think I'm entitled to pick 10 (ten, yup, ten!) bloggers that I think are awesome.
But I'm going to do this in 2 parts, The first 5 today, and the other 5 on Monday.

All of these blogs have wonderful recipes, I don't ask people to "eat" what I won't.

Carrie at Carrie's Experimental Kitchen, always has a warm and encouraging comment.

Kay at And Then I Ate It, She is a wealth of helpful information, and she willingly shares it, all the time!

Paula at Spoons "n" Spades, Your pictures just make me want to eat my computer screen!

Nonna at Serious Food for the Soul, she drinks sweet tea and eats green beans cooked with bacon, I think we might have been separated at birth.

Michaela from An Affair from the Heart. Her blog is lovely but what I love is the music.  Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, I love the current music (most of it anyway) but when I go to read her's relaxing. And that she even knows who Billie Holiday is. I'll sometimes pull up her blog and after I've read the current post, just leave her up in the background for the music.

Here's my first five, all great! I'll post the second five on Monday, Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Thank you so much Joan! You just made my day. :)

  2. Sweet!! Thank you so much. You just made me smile : )

  3. My cup runneth over. Hands down this is the nicest thing I have heard all day. Ok, all week. I was worried that my music (secret be known...I'm totally a child of the 80's and love the hair bands!! ;) would bother some people. But I selected a couple of songs and my mind just sort of took off from there. I am so glad you find some relaxation when you visit. By the way... I take requests! ;)

  4. What a lovely surprise, Joan, thank you so much! I'll have a think about who I want to pass it onto :-)

    Paula @ Spoons 'n' Spades


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!