Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pepperoni Bread

My friend Debi at Recipes for my Boys posted Pepperoni Cheese Pulls the other day and it reminded my of one of our family favorites,

 Pepperoni Bread.

Who doesn't like pizza?

Thin crust,
Thick crust,
 New York style,
Chicago style,

Lots of toppings,
Just cheese,
Sauce or not,
Always so many choices.

Pizza joint,

And some of those dessert pizzas?

And who hasn't had cold pizza the next day? It's just as good in my opinion, sometimes better!

This one is a no brainer, super easy and the kids love to help make it.

And you can add as many additional toppings as you want to this one,
we just love it with pepperoni!

Pepperoni Bread

1 can Pillsbury Pizza Crust (or any pizza dough is fine)
1 small package of pepperoni (7 ounces)
1-2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup parmigiana  cheese
1-3 teaspoons Italian seasoning

Preheat oven to 375 F.

Stretch pizza crust/dough out on a large board or clean counter as far as you can,
 try to keep it rectangle in shape.

if you get a hole in the dough, just fold over to close

Place a layer of pepperoni, use as much or as little as you want. 
We use almost the whole package (minus what we snacked on while making this.) 
Cover all the way to the edges, no one ever wants an end piece with no good stuff in it.

Next, a layer of Mozzarella cheese,
 again, use as much as you want, we use all of it.

Now at this point you can stop if you want to.

 It will taste great,
 but we like a little more flavor, so...

Sprinkle the Parmigiana cheese over the mozzarella,
 then do the same with your Italian seasoning. 

Time to roll it up, 
starting on one corner of the long end,
 start rolling, 
working your way down the long edge of your dough.

Once you have the entire length started on rolling,
 it is easy to roll the rest of the way. 

Place seam side down on lightly greased baking sheet. 
Ours is always too long for the baking sheet so we just put it in a U-shape.

Bake for 15-18 minutes until lightly browned on top. 
Do not over bake, you will burn the bottom.
 Remove from oven and let rest for 15 to 20 minutes on baking sheet.
 Resist the urge to cut immediately.

Transfer to cutting board and slice as you would a french bread loaf, diagonally. 

Refrigerate any leftovers (we rarely have those)

You can make this with sauce as well, just make your sauce the first layer before the pepperoni, be careful not to use too much though, it will make the bread soggy.

Happy baking!

I've linked this up at Finding Joy in my Kitchen


  1. This looks delicious! I wish I had some of your pepperoni bread pizza right now! I am a new GFC follower and am looking forward to blogging with you!

  2. thanks for stopping in Erin, and if there was any of this left I would happily share with you!

  3. Woww.. colorful and delicious recipe.. looks tempting !!
    Indian Cuisine

  4. Hari, this is probably one of the favorites for the kids to make, the snack on the toppings as they make it!


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