Monday, September 12, 2011

Chocolate Brownie Peanut Butter Bars

I totally stole this recipe. It's not mine. It came from Anne Thornton on Dessert First.

I'm a huge fan of my DVR. I can watch programs on my schedule, fast forward through commercials and search for new programs. That's how I found Anne.

I was looking for something else and typed in the wrong letter, one of the better mistakes I've made, and found her, and Dessert First. To save you a little time, Anne is on the the Food Network at 7:30 am, Saturdays.

Her very first show hooked me, it was all chocolate!!! She took a basic (not really basic, it's decadent) brownie recipe and then gave 3 options for taking it a step further.
My daughter and I watched, and drooled, over this show. I knew we would be making these bars.

I have to tell you, I'm a natural blonde (The hair color is just to cover up the gray that is trying to creep in.) Instead of being a smart girl and going to the computer to get the recipe the easy way, I watched the show again, and wrote down Anne's directions for the brownies and the bars. I think I got pretty close. Here's Anne's true recipe. Oh and the name of her recipe is Fudgy Salty Peanut Butter Brownies, whatever.

Here's what I did. I think I got pretty close.

Chocolate Brownie Peanut Butter Bars

1 1/4 stick unsalted butter (10 Tbsp)  150 g
1 1/3 cup sugar  265 g
1 cup cocoa    80 g
1 1/4 tsp vanilla     6 mL
2 eggs
2/3 cup flour   70 g
1 1/2 cup chocolate chips   approx 340 g

Melt butter in double boiler, add sugar and cocoa and cook till sugar is dissolved and well blended.

 Remove double boiler from heat. Add in vanilla and eggs one at a time (be careful not to cook the eggs.)

Add the flour and beat 45 strokes. Time for the chocolate chips, stir in.

Now I love this. Anne used a 9 x 13 jelly roll pan lined with parchment paper. No jelly roll pan in my house but I do have just a 9 x 13 pan. It works, use what you have. And I love the parchment paper. Just cut a slit in the corners so the tabs will overlap in the corners of your pan.

Spread the batter in the pan, it'll be thick so work it into the corners, this batter doesn't spread while baking.

Then bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated 325 F. oven.  162 C.

Brownies are done!

Let's keep this going, I want to pass out from the decadence of these bars, going all the way on this recipe!

Peanut Butter Layer

1 cup creamy peanut butter     256 g
4 Tbsp softened, unsalted butter   60 g
1 cup powdered sugar       100 g
1-2 Tbsp milk      15-30 mL
1 tsp vanilla       5 mL
pinch of salt

Cream together the peanut butter and butter till smooth, add in powdered sugar. Mixture will be stiff. Add vanilla and enough milk to give a thick but spreadable texture. (and I forgot to add the salt)

Spread over cooled brownies.

Take your peanuts (don't judge me, I got these at an event the day before with my son)

 sprinkle over peanut butter layer evenly and press into dough.

Last step.

More chocolate chips (1 1/2 cup)       approx 340 g
5 Tbsp butter    75 g

Remember, I didn't look up the recipe like a smart girl so I guessed at how much chocolate chips to use. Melt chocolate chips with the butter till melted and smooth. Pour over top of bars and spread to cover entire pan. Place in fridge till firm (about 2 hours).

Now here's why I love the parchment paper! When ready to cut, lift parchment paper out of pan, place bars on cutting board and cut to desired size.

These bars are not for chocolate whimps! You will need a tall glass of milk to go with them. One bar will be enough for one sitting. But you will go back for more. They are rich, decadent, and just too good for words!

Hopefully I have given full credit where I got this from, like I said at the beginning, this is NOT my recipe. Anne Thornton and Dessert First are on my DVR recording every week now and I thank the Food Network for giving Anne Thornton (and me) the opportunity!

I've linked up at This Week's Cravings


  1. That looks so good!:) I'm gonna have to try that:)

  2. These are decadent, we ended up cutting the squares in half to make smaller bars, a little of this is plenty with a nice cold glass of milk!


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