Saturday, October 6, 2012

Twitter and Blogging

It's Saturday and that means another post on blogging. If you're new to this series, it's all about sharing what we know and learning from each other. Even an experienced blogger can't know it all, there's just too much out there and it's always changing.

I've covered Facebook

Facebook can be a Blogger's Best Friend-Setting up your Facebook Page
Facebook-Sharing is Caring-How I share on Facebook

And Pinterest

How I use Pinterest-setting up your account and boards

And now my friend Carla of Chocolate Moosey is Covering Twitter. 

In her first post she covered Understanding Twitter, covering all the terminology and basic tweeting. I'm still learning along with the rest of you, but I'm trying. It's a habit I have to get into, like posting to Facebook or Pinning. I still have to work on actually having a conversation on Twitter but I do love using the little Tweet button on other's blogs.

See those little buttons? Some blogs have them on the side of the blog but hopefully they have them somewhere! 

Now Head over to Chocolate Moosey and see Why You Should Use Twitter.  While you're there be sure to check out her post on How to Customize White Balance-Photography Tip

I'll be sharing at some of these great parties


  1. Who knew I could talk this much about Twitter? LOL! Love the graphic btw

  2. I didn't realize you were doing these series and I think it's wonderful Joan. I'm going to curl up with a hot cup of tea over the weekend and read away. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for doing this series! It will be super helpful for a new blogger like myself.


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