Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday's treasures

It's Thursday, and that means Thursday's Treasures! Debi from Recipes for my Boys and I love seeing what you bring each week. 

Here are a few features from last week!

Very Berry Nut Crumble from Moore or Less Cooking

Layered Tortellini Salad from Dishing with Leslie

Taco Lasagna from Love Bakes Good Cakes

Please when Pinning these awesome recipes, click on the link and pin from the original source (it'll save you time when you go to try it out anyway!)

Now on to this week's party.
You know how parties work, 
link up a few of your favorite recipes, provide a link back somewhere on your post 
or on your party page,
visit a few others and leave some kind words. 
Oh and make sure you drop by Debi's, give her a hug from me and follow her, she's also on Facebook.
We'll be popping by to comment, Pin and feature on facebook so leave a light on for us.

Oh, and when you post you're recipes to Facebook, post a photo and put your link in the comments, I'm finding photos get more views, likes and comments than just a link!


  1. Thank you for hosting and the feature, Joan! I hope you are having a great week!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting!!!!

  3. Great assortment! Thanks for hosting, Joan! This is going to help me decide what to make for dinner!

  4. Hi Joan! Thanks so much for the feature! I follow your blog as well. Love it! Have a great weekend!

    xo, Leslie

  5. Thank you for featuring my Very berry Nut Crumble Joan!! You made my day! I love your blog and your parties!! Nettie

  6. Joan! I didn't know you had a linky party until today when you mentioned it on FBN - I would love to participate - is there some kind of special thing I need to do in order to participate? Oh - I'm so excited to find this!

    1. Kelli, just stop in each Thursday and link up your favorite recipe(s)from the week or even the year! Debi and I love seeing all the goodness that everyone brings!


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!