Friday, August 24, 2012

French Toast Casserole

I made French Bread the other day. In fact I made several loaves. It was wonderful but after 3 days in a row of french bread at lunch and dinner, I'd had enough. I still had a full loaf plus some to eat up.

I've been wanting to make a French Toast Casserole for some time. Usually we eat all the bread up but since I had the extra bread, I knew this was my opportunity.  I'd seen Paula Deen's recipe and The Pioneer Woman's. Both were basically the same until it came to the topping. I read several reviews, some said the bottom could get soggy, some said the top was dry.

I took the best of both recipes and made it my own. The only thing I will change next time is breaking all the bread into chunks. Trying to line up the egg soaked bread into the pan is messy business. Much easier to just dump it all in and spread it out.

French Toast Casserole

1 loaf french bread or other crusty bread
8 eggs
2 1/2 cups milk, half and half or heavy cream (or any combination of, I used 1 1/2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup milk)
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick cold butter
1 cup pecans

Slice bread into 1 inch slices or break into large bite sized chunks. In a large mixing bowl whisk together eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and salt. Place a few slices at a time in the egg mixture, flip to coat and let sit for a few minutes. Place soaked bread in a greased 9 x 13 baking dish. Repeat with remaining bread.

Pour any remaining egg mixture over top of bread. Cover tightly with foil and refrigerate over night.

In a medium mixing bowl combine flour, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt. Cut in butter with 2 knives or a pastry blender. Your mixture will become paste-like. Stir in pecan. Place in a ziploc bag and refrigerate with casserole.

When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Crumble topping over casserole, place in preheated oven and bake for 45-50 minutes, till bread showing is golden brown.

I'm linking up at a few of these great parties.


  1. I tried a french toast casserole once and it was a disaster. Can't wait to try it again using your recipe. I know it's good if you made it! Looks amazing!

  2. I've always been so interested in french toast casserole! Yours look perfect!

  3. hello congratulations for this wonderful blog, there are many recipes that I have already drawn!

  4. I love French Toast Casserole and this recipe looks really good! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Don't forget to come back and VOTE on Sunday! Tell your friends to vote your recipe!

  5. Love French toast, love casseroles. Win-win for me!!

  6. Joan,

    First of all let me say YUM! This looks amazing and I can't wait to try this recipe.

    I also wanted to let you know I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award over on my blog. Stop by and check it out. Have a great day.


  7. Oh my had me at French Toast! This looks amazing...I'm pinning it right now :O)

    Thanks again for linking up with us this week at Keep Calm & Link Up! :o)

  8. Hi Joan, I'm a chocolate lover so I know I'll be right at home here :). This casserole looks heavenly and that topping is positively sinful!

  9. This looks heavenly! I am your newest Pinterest follower. I love the name of your blog and I'm sure I'll love the recipes even more. Thanks for stopping by Posed Perfection and leaving me a sweet comment about the Chocolate Yummies recipe I posted. I hope you'll be back to visit again and maybe even "follow me" back. Have a great weekend!

  10. Very much like the recipe I use only without the topping recipe of which I will be trying.
    Suggestion / Tip:
    After buttering my baking pan, I just arrange the 1" slices in bottom of pan and then pour the egg mixture over the bread, cover and refrigerate overnight.No more trying to line up the egg soaked bread into the pan.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  11. Mmmmmm.....This looks like a big ol' bowlful of yummy goodness! I really like the addition of the pecans, something I had never thought of before.

  12. I have never had french toast casserole before but I think I need it in my life immediately!

  13. This looks SO yummy! I can't wait to make this for my friends! Thanks for sharing! *Pinning!*

  14. WOW! That looks ridiculously good!!!! Thanks for sharing and linking up!

  15. Okay that is a really great idea, and looks soooo delicious!!! What a great way to use up your leftovers:-) Take care, Terra

  16. Your french toast casserole looks good -a great idea for a weekend breakfast;-)
    You have some wonderful recipes on your site- I'm looking for something with apples and chocolate, maybe cookies? I'm sure I could find it here;-)

  17. I immediately thought Paula Deen - I've made hers a couple of times, but now I'm all about your recipe! Can't wait to give it a go. Thanks for sharing with us at Share-It Saturday! :) Come back soon!!

  18. Can't wait to give this a try! I'll definitely do the chunk, egg wash and dump method! Pinning...

  19. Omgosh, I love French Toast casserole and the pecans in yours look so yummy! Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  20. I've been wanting to try a french toast casserole for awhile now too! Leave out the pecans and I think I'll give yours a try :) Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday.

  21. Oh wow that looks so delicious! Can't wait to try it out! Thanks Joan!

  22. I love making French toast casseroles for company, but I've never added a topping like this one before! It sounds (and looks)amazing!

  23. This looks delicious but I think I will wait until we have overnight company before I make this. thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday.

  24. It looks divine! I'll have to give this a try!

  25. Looks soooo good...I know it was some kinda tasty.

    I'm visiting you from StoneGable.

  26. That looks delicious! I cannot wait to make it. I know the name of your blog. It says it all! Come and visit us. We would love to have you over!

  27. This breakfast casserole looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

  28. This looks amazingly yummy!! I would love for you to link it to my Tasty Thursdays party at The Mandatory Mooch.


  29. I featured this on Sweet Saturday, take a look: Keep up the good work!

  30. Thank you for sharing at Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week to link up again! Have a great weekend!

  31. Congratulations! You've been featured on this week's Martha Mondays! :) Swing by to pick up a "Featured" button and do a little bragging! :)


  32. THIS.LOOKS.EPIC!! I can't wait to try this!! Roll on Saturday! thank you so much for posting ;-)

  33. Thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Thursdays last week. This recipe is being FEATURED on my Facebook Page today. Hope you will link up again tonight!!

    Thanks, Nichi

  34. New follower! You had me at chocolate!! Looks like a wonderful French Toast recipe. I have one on my blog that I love too. Breakfast things are my fave recipes so I'll HAVE to try this one too. Hope you'll come visit me too...:)

  35. Delicious! Come by to our Blog Party, In The Kitchen Thursdays! Please share the blog party with others, thank you!

    Warmest Regards,


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!