Friday, May 11, 2012

Sticky Bun Monkey Bread

Monkey Bread is my go to recipe whenever the kids have a sleep over.

It's fast, it's easy, and of course everyone loves it.

So what happens when I'm tired and I miss measure one of the ingredients?

A delectable, heavenly, scrumptious new favorite.

I was just trying to change things up a bit and use the Pioneer Woman's recipe.

Her way was no messy fingers.

But I was tired, only on my first cup of coffee, and I'd hurt my elbow roller skating the night before. And I buy the bulk butter from Sam's Club.

Best kitchen mistake I've ever made!

Sticky Bun Monkey Bread
inspired by The Pioneer Woman

3 cans refrigerated biscuits
1 cups (2 sticks) butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large Ziploc bag, combine sugar and cinnamon. Shake it good so it's all combined. Set to the side.

Place butter and brown sugar in a medium saucepan and set on low for butter to melt.

Now crack those cans of biscuits and start slicing into quarters.

Place biscuit slices into the bag with your cinnamon sugar.

Now zip it closed and shake, shake, shake, shake your booty, shake your booty...

oh sorry, shake the bag to completely coat.

Start layering coated biscuit slices and chopped pecans into a greased bundt pan.

Set to the side.

Check on your butter, it should be completely melted. Stir to combine.

Pour your syrup over top of the biscuit slices.

Use it all, just look at all that melted butter!

Place in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes. Till the biscuits are completely cooked.

Remove from oven and let sit for 15 minutes.

If you listen closely, you'll hear that wonderful sauce still bubbling.

Times up! Flip that baby onto a large plate. It'll pop right out.

Wipe the drool off your chin.

If your a nice mom, call the family in, or if your at my house, snap those pictures fast because everyone's already lined up with plates, forks and the milk.

This is what the plate looked like 10 minutes later


  1. Oh man, is it wrong that I want to become friends with your kids so I can come to their sleepovers and enjoy your delicious treats in the morning? That looks amazing, Joan. I love it when mistakes in the kitchen turn out for the best!

    1. Lesa, you can come on over any time, we can make a batch for adults only!

    2. Thanks to this post, I bought a bundt pan for 50 cents at a garage sale yesterday! :)

  2. so far i don't see any mistake was made!!!!! love this recipe, and my stomach thanks you

  3. Looks DELICIOUS!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Looks so yummmyyyy ups :) i am already licking my fingers

  5. Yummo! That looks amazing! We used to have monkey bread all the time when I was little. I've only made it a few times though...mostly because I don't have a good bundt pan:)

  6. Oh yummy! Your monkey bread looks amazing Joan!

  7. I'm tempted to make this with the nuts now, just so my kids don't want any ;)

  8. I will say that I have made this before and it is delish, BUT, I rolled them one at a time in the cinnamon and sugar and it took FOREVER. THANK you for sharing this fabulous tip to just toss them all in the bag!!! Seriously grateful.
    And I am a new follower
    Because you rock.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. You know this is perfect for me since I am the Mommy to one very sticky Monkey! LOL It looks too yummy! Thanks for sharing at Church Supper. Have a blessed week & come back soon ~EMM

  10. This looks so good--and so decadent! I'm really going to have to try making monkey bread one of these days!

  11. I can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing, and I love the blog.

  12. This looks good and gooey!! We are so happy that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday" and we hope you see you back next week!! -The Sisters

  13. This is CRAZY! It looks incredibly delicious and I want to come live with you now... are you looking to adopt a slightly grown-up person? (Please say yes!)

  14. YUM, YUM, YUM!!! I have never tried making monkey bread before....MUST try this recipe!!! :)

  15. This is so much better with bread dough then with those awful canned biscuits.


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