Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jello Swirl Cupcakes with Jello Buttercream Icing

So I tried Kool aid for icing and it was great. But I still wanted to do something with Jello. I've never been a big jello eater but I do like using it for a poke cake or in a salad.

And I love the colors it comes in.

And kids think it's fun.

And I needed to make cupcakes for school, again.

Don't get me wrong, I love making treats for the kids, just 3 weeks in a row and I run out of creativity.

So I'm in the bathroom reading my EveryDay with Rachel Ray Magazine. Don't judge, you do it too. It's the only place a mom can grab 5 minutes of piece and quiet, at least in my house. Sometimes I go in there just to hide. Anyway, I spot this add for Tie-Dye Cupcakes by Jello. Cute, I'd even dog eared the page at some point. Sometimes life is just meant to be easy.

Now just to be safe, in case the jello part of the cupcakes wasn't that great, I decided on a swirl, with white cake mix. But I didn't need to worry, the jello part tastes good. And the Jello Buttercream, yum!

Another keeper and an easy go to recipe if you just need something fun!

Jello Swirl Cupcakes

1 box white cake mix (don't judge)
1 box Jello-pick a fun color, you know you want to
ingredients listed on box to make cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Line a muffin tin with liners.
Mix up cake mix as directed on box, you know the routine, eggs, oil, water, whatever.

Now separate half of your batter to a separate bowl. Add Jello mix to remaining batter and mix.

Look at the pretty color.

Don't you love it?

Now time to dish it up. Spoon some white, then some color, then more white, then more color. Do not overfill, about 2/3 full should be good.

Awe, looks so pretty. Just a note, you'll have more colored batter than white batter so keep that in mind when spooning.

Bake for 16-18 minutes, watch them carefully, these burn easily. I may know this from personal experience. Use a toothpick to test for doneness.

Jello Buttercream Icing

1/2 cup vegetable shortening
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups, powdered sugar (1 pound)
2 tablespoons milk
1-3 tablespoons Jello mix

Sift Powdered sugar to remove any lumps. Beat shortening and butter till creamy and smooth. Add in vanilla, beat again. Add sugar, 1 cup at a time, making sure to combine completely. Once all sugar is combined, add your milk. You've got your basic buttercream. So make it fun. Add some Jello.

The amount of Jello won't change your color very much but it will change your taste, if you want just a light flavor, use just the 1 tablespoon, if you want some bang, use more. Take a little taste, adjust, taste again, then frost.

To get the swirl on the frosting I followed this tutorial from Our Best Bites. Worked great!

I've linked up at some of these great parties


  1. I love the colour they create, and I bet they tastes great too!

    1. Thanks Sue, the color possibilities are endless.

  2. I have never tried any type of jello cake. I should because these are so cute and pretty I bet my kids would flip!

  3. I've been thinking about doing this - and now I want to. Perfect for the kids! (And yes, I'll admit to the one place I read magazines...;)

  4. This is such a great idea, I will be pinning it so that I can try it sometime in the future. Your cupcakes look so great, I wish I could reach through the screen and grab one!

    1. Thanks Alyssa, the kids really enjoyed them!

  5. LOL...these look amazing and I love the reading the magazine in the bathroom ;) You're right. We all do it!

    1. Thanks Debbie, so glad I'm not alone on the reading thing.

  6. Those look like so much fun! I made tye die cupcakes a while ago and my boys loved them...pretty sure they would have a blast with these too.

  7. Hi Joan! Justa here. You commented on my WordPress blog and my link for Savory Salisbury Steaks. I just wanted to let you to know that I created a little blog in Blogger and am hosting Linky Parties every Friday (can't do them on free WordPress sites). The link closes tonight so you've still got time to get in. I'd love to see you there! I love your blog! I'm rushed for time right now but will come back and look at all your gorgeous creations!

  8. Woww.. looks simply awesome and cute.. thanks for sharing :)
    Indian Cuisine

  9. Those do bake up so pretty and swirly!!! Jello is a fun way to add just about any color of flavor huh? Super kid friendly too:-)

    1. I was really pleased with the color, thanks Jocelyn!

  10. OMG, how did you know I've been hiding in the bathroom for peace and quiet? I thought I was the only one, but even with teens then can track me down, so it's the perfect hideout. lol

    These look amazing and I can't wait to try them. I was really surprised that the jello added such a beautiful color after baked. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next week. Have a wonderful weekend.


    1. Michelle, I'm so glad I'm not alone! Thanks for the kind words!

  11. These are very beautiful
    I really like the coloring - the look is quite unique and creative

  12. This is gorgeous! The colors are absolutely lovely! I think this will be my project for next St. Patricks day :)

    1. Thanks so much and these would be fabulous for St. Patty's!

  13. love the color! and you use the same basic buttercream recipe i do....i love the 1/2 butter with 1/2 shortening better than all butter buttercream :)

    1. Thanks, I like the 1/2 and 1/2 better than all butter, it holds up better.

  14. I’ve never heard of Jello cupcakes or frosting before! This would be great for the little one’s birthday. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Leslie, they we're fun to make and the kids loved them.

  15. What fun and yummy cupcakes,can't wait to make these! Hope you have a Very Special Week End and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thanks and Happy Mother's day to you too Helen!

  16. What a fun and easy recipe. Can't wait to try it!!

  17. I love pretty, easy & yummy cupcakes I will have to try this recipe! I just found you because someone else pinned & blogged about your post. Going to look at some other recipes. Drop by anytime I am guest hosting a link-up if you'd like to drop by & revamping my own. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Theresa, thanks so much for dropping in, have a great weekend!

  18. These are awesome! such a pretty colour and a great idea! I'm interested what was the flavour of the jello you used? because we certainly don't get blue jello here in England! Glad to have found your blog through CTTC!

    1. I used BerryBlue Jello, but the possibilities are endless.

  19. So cute! They just so happen to be my favorite color as well :)

    I would love it if you would link up at Watch Out, Martha!’s link up party: Martha Mondays, going on now! Hope to see you there!

  20. Hello Joan,
    Thanks for the Jello Swirl Cupcakes recipe.
    I'll create one for sure, my kids are gonna like it :)
    If you don't mind, can I submit your Jello Swirl Cupcakes with Jello Buttercream Icing photo in ?
    It's a food photography site full of all DIY food pictures from members around the world. Or perhaps you'd like to submit by yourself? Let me know when you did, so I can share it.

    1. Hillary, thanks for the tip, I'll submit it, sure hope the accept it!

  21. This looks yum yum yum!! This is being featured today at {Junk in their Trunk}...thanks for linking up!

  22. Love the colors, love the swirls, love everything about them! Must make soon! :) Thanks for sharing them at the {what's shakin' link party}!!

  23. Just wanted to let you know you're being featured this week so stop by and take a peek :)

  24. Looks soo fab i will have to try this out so many ideas spring to mind just from this one post, excellent.


  25. Do these need to be refridgerated or will the frosting hold up as long as they are stored in an airtight container?

    1. These hold up great! I just covered them with plastic wrap then took them to school the next day!

  26. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. I have been searching for the perfect recipe for my son's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party.....and this is it!!

  27. We recently featured this recipe in our weekly food trend post. You can check it out here -

  28. I made these in pink and used raspberry jello, But i made homemade cakemix from scratch they turned out amazing .I did them for a wedding shower display Everyone thought i bought them .Thanks for the great tips. I found another winner for my recipe files :) xx

  29. Kelly, I'm so excited to hear this. I'd love to see a picture, you can post it to my FB page if you'd like.
    I'll bet the raspberry flavor just popped!

  30. O real these looks yummy i can't wait to eat
    Pooh Baby Shower

  31. Hi great post quick question I'm wanting to make cheesecake flavored cupcakes but there isn't a recipe for one that I can find any idea on how I would do it I know Jello has a cheesecake flavor would I do white cake and jello or halve and halve mix it together or apart... idk... help I'm a new cook altogether so any help would be greatly appreciated

    1. Hi Ashley, For a cheesecake flavored cake I would recommend using a yellow cake mix and then yes 1 box cheesecake flavored jello pudding mix. The reason for the yellow cake mix instead of the white is most white mixes will tell you to use egg whites only to keep it white, yellow will have you use the full eggs and with adding the pudding mix you'll want that. I know your cake will turn out fantastic.


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!