Monday, May 21, 2012

Ice Cream Cake

My baby girl turned 10.
Double digits.
My little Grace is a pre-teen.

I don't have babies any more.

She's smart, talented, kind hearted, beautiful both inside and out.
She loves to dance and sing.

She's getting a mind of her own and an attitude.
There are some days when I wonder who's child she is.

In my house, on your birthday, we have a family only dinner, you get to choose the meal and your cake. And it's all made at home, with the birthday person's help.

Grace choose for her cake an Ice Cream cake. Cool, I've always wanted to make one! For her ice cream she choose Cookie Dough.

And the best part about this cake? We had fun making it together!

Ice Cream Cake
made by Grace

1 half gallon of ice cream (or as close as you can get)
1 layer of your favorite cake (we used devil's food)
crushed cookies ,we used regular Oreos
Chocolate candy, we used KitKats and Reeces
Candy coating or chocolate chips

You'll need a spring form pan to make this. Remove ice cream from freezer and let sit on counter for about 20 minutes to soften.

Place your layer cake on the bottom of the spring form pan. Mush the cake down to create a crust.

Take about half of the ice cream and smooth it around to coat the cake layer

Now for the cookies. Break your cookies over the ice cream. Gently press into the ice cream.

Place the remaining ice cream on top of your cookie layer.

Chop your candy

And sprinkle on top.

you could stop here but why would you want to.

Melt your candy coating or chocolate chips then drizzle on top. I use my handy bottles.

Place in the freezer to set over night.

Remove from freezer about 10 minutes before serving. You may need to use a knife around the edge by the spring form latch to loosen.

Just a note. We thought it would be decorative to add some Ready Whip around the edges.

Weird thing. 

On a frozen cake,

the Ready Whip


I'll be linking up at some of these great parties!


  1. Oh my goodness, yum. Smart girl. Happy Birthday to her! :)

  2. Goodness Joan what a luscious cake! It looks so fun and I bet the best part was making it with your daughter. Happy birthday to your sweetie girl. My daughter just turned 13 last month ... and she loves to dance and sing too ... she's growing up way too fast!:)

  3. OH MY! LOVE this.
    Thanks for sharing,

  4. Joan and Grace, what a GORGEOUS cake!! Happy Birthday, Grace!! What a wonderful way of celebrating birthdays, Joan! We always go out to dinner here, but I like your idea much better. Maybe it's not too late to start that tradition even though my kids are close to being on their own.
    I agree with Ann, they grow up WAY too fast!
    Enjoy your week, girls!!

  5. Thats looks absolutely yummy. I've just had a Snicker and now I wish I had a big bite of your ice cream instead!!

  6. Aw, birthdays are so fun at that age. And you had me at ice cream my dear. You know my love affair with ice cream is all encompassing. Kudos to you for thinking outside the box.

  7. his looks so good!! I am trying not to drool on my keyboard!

  8. This would put smiles on the faces of everyone in this house! I especially love the cake crust. Brilliant!

  9. This ice cream cake looks so much better than the one I attempted! I'll definitely keep your recipe on hand next time I want an ice cream cake - pinned!

  10. O-M-G !!
    This is a mouth-watering cake!
    It looks soooooooooooooooo good

  11. Looks super yummy! Ice Cream Cakes are so much fun and always better when they are homemade.

  12. Now that is a really scrumptious creation. I'll wager Grace was thrilled and had a wonderful birthday. This was my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. I really like your recipes and I'll definitely be coming back for more. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Deeeelicious : ) I adore ice cream cake, and this one looks fantastic!!

  14. Oh my goodness this looks amazing. Too bad my birthday is several months away! I would love it if you would share this on my linky party - Tout It Tuesday.

  15. so cute, and I love that you made it together.

  16. Looks better than anything at the ice cream store! I pinned it.

  17. Divine! I love ice cream cakes...Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  18. Happy FIRST two digit birthday. Thank you for sharing your cake! YUM!

  19. I am so making this cake this summer! It looks sooooo yummy! Pinned! Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  20. My daughter just graduated high school....wish I could go back to her 10th birthday!! This looks awesome but I can't find the "Print" button?

  21. If you're going to travel with the cake, you have to keep it cold, so make sure the cake will fit in your transporting vessel, and that the vessel stays cold. For example, if you use a cooler, make sure your cake is small enough to fit inside.


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!