Monday, April 30, 2012

Kool Aid Frosting

I while back I saw a pin on Pinterest for Frosting using Jello. It stuck in my head that I would use it the next time one of the kids needed cup cakes for something.

Fast forward to today. Grace, my youngest comes home from school and states that I need to make cupcakes for her class.

Sounds good to me. So off I go in search of the recipe for the Jello frosting. I found a few versions but the reviews were all over the place. I'm all about experimenting on kids but I can't send something that might turn out awful. Then I found a tread of a forum and they say something about have you thought about using Kool-Aid?

More searching, more reading, then I found Infinitely Loopy. Reading her recipe over I knew this one had the best chance for success. It's a buttercream.

This frosting went perfect with my White Butter Cake recipe.

Kool-aid Frosting
from Infinitely Loopy
enough to frost 36 cupcakes

1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks) softened
6 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/4 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 package Kool-aid unsweetened drink mix

I mixed my milk with the kool-aid mix to make sure any lumps might be dissolved.

Combine butter, milk-koolaid mix, salt and half of sugar in mixing bowl, on low speed. Once all combined slowly add rest of sugar. Once all combined, turn mixer up to high and whip for 5 minutes. Scrape down sides and mix just to combine.

I wasn't thrilled with the color of the black cherry mix but let me tell you, the flavor! It was like drinking a glass of Kool-Aid on a really hot day. And the tang, sour, cherry flavor, it's like an explosion in your mouth.

This recipe is a definite keeper and I can't wait to try a few of the other flavors like blue-raspberry or the invisible ones. I can just imagine my kids biting into a cupcake with white icing and getting the surprise of grape or strawberry.

I've linked up at these great parties.


  1. Hi, I am a new follower. I love food blogs, can't wait to read more.

    1. Welcome, welcome! Can I offer you some chocolate?

  2. I will be trying this the next time I make cupcakes. I love it! Pinning it now.

    1. Dawn, you'll love it, I promise, I'm making it again this week.

  3. Thanks for the recipe and for your post! I am looking forward to making this recipe for my boys. Pinning it, too! ~ Kara from Cookies in the Cupboard

    1. Kara, you're boys are gonna love it, let me know what flavor you go with.

  4. I love this idea! Jordan would love it. I am so into trying the invisible ones too!

    1. Dorothy, let me know if you find the invisible ones, I went back to the store to find them and I think maybe they're stopped selling them, at least in my area.

  5. Thanks for the recipe, it sounds great!
    **tweeting your post =)

    1. Thanks Melissa and thanks for the tweet! One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to tweet myself!

  6. Love this idea ... and somehow must not have seen it on Pinterest?!? I'm pinning it now! :)

    1. Thanks Jamie, When I went to find the recipe on Pinterest, I couldn't find it myself, thanks for pinning!

  7. I've used Crystal Light to flavor both cupcakes and the icing. It is really fun to experiment with the different flavors :)

    Here's my TMTT:


    1. I love Crystal light, will have to give it a try!

  8. Never would have thought about putting Kool-Aid in my frosting. Definitely going to have to try it out.

  9. i wonder if its similar to the duncan hines frosting packets?? pretty color frosting too!

    1. I've never bought the Duncan Hines packets, will have to check them out.

    2. I was thinking the same thing as Sugarswings. I recently tried the cotton candy flavored DH mixins and the powder reminded me of kool-aid. The frosting turned out great - reminded me of blue cotton candy! I can't wait to try sing the kool-aid flavors now!

  10. What a great idea! Oh the flavor combinations you can do. Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  11. Yum Yum!!! I just found your blog on foodie friday. I'll host a party every month with a different theme and would love you to join! Please visit my blog for more information on "My Sweet Party" post uploaded 2nd of May.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, will head on over!

  12. This looks fantastic! I have featured it this week on Makin' You Crave Monday - so come on by & check it out - and I'd love to have you link up again this week!! ~Crystal,

  13. What a brilliant idea! I'll have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing :) If you're interested, I would love to have you share this recipe in my hop this week. The linky is open until midnight tonight ☺

  14. I am inspired to try this in whipped topping instead of buttercream! We shall see if it works with that as well.

    1. Let me know how it turns out, that would be so refreshing during the summer!

  15. How awesome is it that you can flavor frosting with Kool-Aid! I love this idea and can't wait to try it! This is my something new that I learned for the day. :-)

  16. This looks so good! I found you from the feature at Cups by Kim. I think I must follow your blog if you love chocolate like I love chocolate. =)

    1. Shatzi, thanks for stopping in! I've tried to live by chocolate alone but found that it tastes much better when savored after a good meal, lol, or even just a club sandwich! But I do love chocolate!

  17. THANKS for this! My kid told me today she wants a chocolate cake with GRAPE flavored frosting (ick!) - i want to try to make it, though. You're only a kid once!

    I was thinking i'd try the koolaid in the buttercream, it's nice to see that someone has already thought of this, too, and tried it! Makes me more ready to experiment! :)


Thanks so much for stopping by, so glad you did. Be sure to leave me a comment, note or hug, letting me know you were here. I love feedback and new twists on recipes!